간병사 자격증 How to obtain a caregiver certification (earn 3 million won per month) :: Story Rich

간병사 자격증education
September 1, 2023
by. Story Rich
The demand for caregivers is increasing as the elderly population increases due to an aging society.

Caregiver certification is popular because it is easy to obtain, employment is guaranteed, and depending on how much you work, you can earn from a minimum of 1 million won to a maximum of 3 million won or more.

Let’s learn more about how to obtain a caregiver certification.


The caregiver certification exam schedule is conducted 4 times a year.

Please check the website of the Korea Qualifications Development Institute, the caregiver certification management agency, for further details, including the caregiver exam schedule, application period, and purchase of textbooks.

Click here to learn about the caregiver certification exam schedule

The caregiver written test subjects are 5 subjects: caregiver basics, hosfit, maternal and newborn care, basic nursing, and elderly care. The number of test questions is 20 for each subject, for a total of 100 questions.

The test time is 100 minutes.

The passing criteria for the written exam are 40 points or more per subject and a subject average of 60 points or more to pass.

After passing the written exam, you can receive a passing certificate by completing 6 hours of distance learning.

The caregiver’s salary is calculated on a daily basis, and nursing fees are set differently depending on working hours, work type, and patient’s condition.

Approximately 12 hours of care is 90,000 to 100,000 won per day, and 24 hours of care is 120,000 to 150,000 won per day.

In the case of holidays or holidays, an additional fee is charged and the salary goes up.

The outlook for caregivers is that while the elderly population is increasing, the number of families without children or family members to provide care is increasing due to nuclear families and dual-income families.

The outlook for caregivers is expected to continue to improve as the number of people who need caregivers to take care of patients instead of guardians is steadily increasing when guardians are unable to take care of patients at all times.

One of the differences between a caregiver and a nursing care worker is that a nursing caregiver is a nationally recognized qualification, and a caregiver (nurse worker) is a privately registered qualification.

Nursing care assistant is a national professional qualification.

Nursing facilities must hire a certain number of nursing care workers depending on their size, so most nursing care workers work in nursing facilities.

Learn more about obtaining a nursing care worker license

Caregivers mainly work in medical facilities such as university hospitals or nursing hospitals that are not required to hire caregivers.

Most caregivers work through a personal contract between the patient and caregiver through a caregiver referral agency depending on the patient’s needs.

A caregiver certification is also called a caregiver certification, but a caregiver certification is not required to do nursing work.

However, for those who want to work as a caregiver at a general hospital such as a university hospital, it is recommended to obtain a nurse certification because the certification is recognized.

Obtaining certification is not difficult and the passing rate is high, so obtaining certification will be helpful in many ways.

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