고혈압 낮추는 방법 15 Ways To Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication

You may wonder what the problem is with high blood pressure, but high blood pressure is one of the main causes of damage to whole body health. If the systolic and diastolic blood pressure is over 140mg and 90mg, medication is required, and even the pre-hypertensive stage, which is slightly below this, should try to lower blood pressure through lifestyle management. Here are 15 ways to lower blood pressure without drugs published in the U.S. health media Medical News Today.
고혈압 낮추는 방법

1. Walk or exercise regularly
Exercise is the simplest and best way to lower blood pressure. Regular exercise helps the heart to pump blood efficiently, which can help lower blood pressure. According to proven reports, just 30 minutes of walking a day can help lower blood pressure, and the more you exercise, the more your blood pressure drops.

2. Reduce your sodium intake
As the intake of processed and fast food increased worldwide, so did the intake of sodium. Numerous studies have shown that sodium intake is associated with high blood pressure or stroke. In particular, it is advisable to control your sodium intake and check if it affects your blood pressure fluctuations.

3. Stay away from drinking jasminevista.com
Drinking increases blood pressure. In fact, studies show that alcohol is associated with 16% of the world’s hypertension cases. Some studies have shown that a small amount of alcohol can protect the heart, but no matter how much you protect the heart, it is of no use if you increase blood pressure. It is best to avoid alcohol as much as possible.

4. Eat a lot of food with potassium 고혈압 낮추는 방법
Potassium is an essential mineral that our body needs. It helps the body remove sodium on its own and relieve pressure on blood vessels. Potassium is contained in a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. It can be consumed as melons, bananas, avocados, oranges, milk, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tuna, salmon, nuts, and beans.

5. Cut down on caffeine
Even if you drink just one cup of coffee before taking your blood pressure, you can see that your blood pressure rises immediately. Academia disagrees that caffeine causes blood pressure to rise in the long term. However, it is clear that hypertension patients need to be careful about caffeine intake, as a temporary rise in blood pressure can be dangerous enough.

6. Take care of your stress
When you are chronically stressed, your body continues to be nervous, and your heart beats fast and your blood vessels contract. Another problem is that you can find alcohol or cigarettes due to stress. Efforts should be made to control your mind through yoga or listening to music if it is difficult to avoid stressful situations as much as possible.

7. Eat dark chocolate and cocoa
A small amount of dark chocolate or cocoa powder contains a lot of flavonoids, ingredients that help blood vessel expansion. There are many studies showing that chocolate and cocoa actually help short-term heart health. However, it is better not to consume too much sugar and to choose a product that contains less sugar.

8. Lose weight
If you are overweight or obese, losing weight is a priority. A study published in 2016 found that losing only 5% of your body mass significantly improved your high blood pressure. Losing weight helps your blood vessels expand and contract. In addition to diet control, exercise doubles the blood pressure drop effect.

9. Give up smoking
High blood pressure has an adverse effect on heart health, and smoking is the same as fueling heart disease. Smoking temporarily raises blood pressure, and the chemicals in cigarettes are known to damage blood vessels. Smoking when your blood pressure is high is the same as jumping into a fire pit yourself.

10. Reduce sugar and refined carbohydrates
It is easy to think that we only need to avoid sweet or salty foods, but refined carbohydrates such as rice and flour are also quickly absorbed into our bodies and have an adverse effect. Some studies show that blood pressure decreases more when people who take blood pressure medications reduce their intake of carbohydrates.

11. Eat berries such as strawberries and blueberries
Berries fruits taste good but also contain a lot of ‘polyphenols’, natural ingredients that are good for the heart. Polyphenols have been known to reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, diabetes, and improve high blood pressure, insulin resistance, and systemic inflammation through many studies.

12. Meditate and take a deep breath
Meditation and deep breathing have benefits in and of itself, as previously mentioned, to reduce stress. This is due to the fact that meditation and deep breathing stimulate parasympathetic nerves to relax the body, lower heart rate, and lower blood pressure. If you don’t know how, close your eyes for 30 seconds and breathe slowly.

13. Eat foods rich in calcium
Low calcium intake often leads to high blood pressure. However, it is recommended that calcium be consumed through regular foods, not supplements. Research has shown that calcium supplements do not help lower blood pressure, but supplementation through diet helps. The recommended daily calcium intake for adults is 1000 mg.

14. Find a natural supplement
There is no need to look for various nutritional supplements that are good for blood pressure. You can find and eat natural supplements through food. ▲Mature garlic extract ▲berlin ▲ whey protein ▲ fish oil ▲ hibiscus are well known for their natural ingredients that help lower blood pressure.

15. Take your magnesium
Magnesium is a mineral that relaxes blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure. Many experts say it is important to keep a magnesium-rich diet to prevent high blood pressure. Magnesium is high in vegetables, dairy products, legumes, chicken, meat, and whole grains.