국가 자격증 종류 Summary of nationally recognized certification types

Due to the coronavirus employment crisis, the number of full-time jobs at large companies most preferred by young people has decreased by 10,000 in one year. The youth unemployment rate has been consistently at 10% since last February, and employment difficulties continue.

As it is a difficult time to find a job, more and more young people with high school or college degrees are trying to obtain nationally recognized qualifications that will help them find employment.

When looking to acquire a certification as a job qualification, a common question is the type of nationally recognized certification.

In this post, we will look at the types of nationally recognized certifications that can provide preferential treatment when seeking employment for those who want to obtain certifications for employment or re-employment.

There are many people who misunderstand that the social worker level 1 or stenographer (Korean shorthand level 1, 2, and 3) certificates, which are provided by Qnet, the qualification information site of the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, are nationally recognized qualifications.

The technical qualification tests and professional qualification tests managed by Qnet are national qualifications, not nationally recognized qualifications.

Since national certification is a certification created by the government according to law, the government manages and operates the exam and issues the certification.

For example, the level 1 social worker, which is known to be a lifelong certification that is easily employed, is a national certification issued by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, and the senior sports instructor or lifestyle sports instructor certification is a national certification issued by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

On the other hand, a nationally recognized qualification is a qualification managed and operated by the private sector, not the government, and is also called a nationally recognized private qualification because it is a qualification recognized by the state.

For example, the Financial Management and Accounting Management Level 1 and 2 certificates, which are essential qualifications for employment in the tax accounting field, are issued by Samil Accounting Corporation, the AT qualification test is issued by the Korea Institute of Certified Public Accountants, and the computerized tax accounting certificate is issued by the Korea Tax Association. It is a private qualification that is being used, but because it is recognized by the government, it is called a nationally recognized qualification or a nationally recognized private qualification.

Just as national qualifications receive preferential treatment in employment, such as receiving additional points in national civil servant recruitment exams, nationally recognized qualifications also receive the same preferential treatment as national qualifications.

Currently, there are a total of 97 types of nationally recognized qualifications.

​국가 자격증 종류

You might think that’s quite a lot. Currently, compared to the 1,660 types of national technical qualifications, 178 types of national professional qualifications, and 45,532 types of private qualifications, it cannot be said that there are many types of nationally recognized qualifications.

The best nationally recognized qualifications for employment in the banking and financial sector include credit manager, credit analyst, foreign exchange specialist, international finance specialist, and credit counselor.

국가 자격증 종류

Basic nationally recognized qualifications for IT employment include Internet information manager, PC mechanic, and network manager.

Nationally recognized certifications for Chinese characters and foreign languages include Chinese Character Proficiency Level, TEPS, FLEXZ Chinese, and Japanese.

Trade English level 1 to 3, a nationally recognized qualification in the trade field, is a required qualification for job seekers, and the country of origin manager qualification is considered a promising qualification in the FTA era.

Dog Stylist, which is considered a promising certification for the future, became a nationally recognized certification in 2020.

Starting this year, the GTQ graphics technology qualification implemented by the Korea Productivity Center has been recognized as a nationally recognized qualification and has become a qualification that can receive preferential treatment when seeking employment.

The road traffic accident appraiser, which is good for working as a freelancer, is also a nationally recognized qualification.

Like national qualifications, nationally recognized qualifications can receive preferential treatment in public servant recruitment and public recruitment for public enterprises, but the biggest difference is that if the nationally recognized qualification period expires or is canceled, you will not be able to receive benefits even after obtaining the certificate.

Please check whether the qualification you are spending money and time to acquire is a national qualification or a nationally recognized qualification and check whether it is a promising qualification whose value will be maintained in the future.

In particular, certifications that are recommended as old-age certifications or promising future certifications are merely private certifications, not nationally recognized certifications, so even if you spend money and time to acquire the certifications, you may suffer losses as there are no benefits after acquiring them.

Therefore, when acquiring a certification, it is recommended to check whether it is a nationally recognized certification through the link below, and if it is not a nationally recognized certification, it is recommended to find out whether the organization issuing the certification is a trustworthy organization.