나침반 보는법 (feat. 동서남북 방향 찾기) How to Read the Compass (feat. Finding North, South, East and West Directions)

How to read a compass, “Universal Compass App”
나침반 보는법


Let’s learn how to read a compass. Usually younger students are taught how to read a compass in class. It’s not difficult to read the compass, so if you know a little bit, you’ll be able to understand it easily. In addition, let’s find out how to easily see the north, south, east, west, and west directions through the compass app.

나침반 보는법


how to read a compass
Let’s learn how to read a compass. First, let’s find out the principle of the compass, and learn how to find the north, south, east and west directions with a compass.




compass principle
The compass uses the principles of magnetic fields that occur at the north and south poles. So, using the magnetic field sensor in the mobile phone, it is to find the direction where the magnetic field is strong. It is the same principle as if a magnet is attracted by placing the N and S poles together. The compass needle is a magnet. In other words, you can think of a compass as having a magnet that allows it to move freely.


How to read a compass north, south, east west
There are N, S, E, and W compasses. N stands for North Pole, S stands for South Pole, E stands for East, and S stands for West. North, South, East, West. The needle of a compass always points north with the north pole.


Sometimes two letters are combined. NW refers to the northwest. NE points northeast. If you follow the alphabet as it is and think of the direction, you can check the north, south, east, and west.



How to find directions with a compass app
Let’s learn how to find directions with a compass app. These days, it seems that there are more cases of finding directions using an app than a real compass. Compasses are mainly used outdoors, as you cannot carry a compass with you.


There are many types of compass apps, and the one I’m going to introduce is an app called Universal Compass. It’s a compass app that I’ve been using for a long time, but I’d like to introduce it to you because it’s been updated recently and its usability has increased.

It has about 50,000 users and a rating of 4.8. The number of users has increased more than before. It was released in 2019 and was recently updated through November 2022. Many compass features have been added in this update.


Download the universal compass app

▶ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.goodappsoftware.compass


universal compass app
universal compass app

How to find directions with a compass app
If you run the compass app, you can see various compass modes. It doesn’t matter which compass mode you choose.


Simply select the compass level mode at the top and you will see a compass at the top and a level at the bottom.


On the top compass, an S points to the south, and an N points to the north.


How to see the direction of the compass app
How to see the direction of the compass app

The number of degrees is indicated in the center of the compass. The 0 degree base of the compass is the North Pole. So if you’re pointing south, you’ll see 180 degrees.


You can distinguish between east, west, north, and south with English directions and numbers on the compass.


compass mode type
As the name suggests, the universal compass app provides a variety of compasses. Provides useful functions for use with the compass. There are several modes, let’s look at the characteristics of each.


level mode
Level mode allows you to use the level and compass together. It is a function that can be leveled while looking at the direction with a compass. Can be used in special circumstances.


level mode
level mode

turn signal blinking mode
Directional blinking mode is useful when you want to go in a specific direction, north, south, east, west. For example, if you want to go north, press N in the top menu to point left or right relative to your current location. It is a function that determines the way to go left or right without worrying about the direction while looking at the compass.


turn signal blinking mode
turn signal blinking mode

camera mode
Camera mode is a function that allows you to know the direction while looking at the current camera. A compass is displayed above the camera to help you navigate easily.


compass mode on the map
Compass on Map mode is a feature that allows you to place a compass on a map. Finding directions is easier because you can use both the map and the compass at the same time. It makes it easier to find directions because it puts the north direction on the map and the north direction on the compass exactly the same.


Compass mode on the map
Compass mode on the map

Compass mode on satellite map
Compass over satellite map mode is a function to put the compass on the satellite map. You can view Google’s satellite map and compass together.


Compass mode on satellite map
Compass mode on satellite map

night flashlight mode
Night flashlight mode is a function that allows you to use a compass and flashlight together. You can activate the flashlight function on your phone by pressing the ‘on’ button in the upper left corner. It is a function that allows you to move brightly by using the flash function of your mobile phone when you use a compass to find your way at night.


night flashlight mode
night flashlight mode

Analog (needle) mode
Analog (needle) mode is an application that implements the actual appearance of the compass. Usually a real compass has a needle in the center instead of an angle. This method uses the principle that the red needle points to the north.


Analog needle compass mode
Analog needle compass mode

How to read a compass, app review
Learned how to read a compass. You can find north, south, east, west directions by using the way to see with a real compass and the way to see with a compass app. In the case of a real compass, there is a needle pointing to the north pole in the center, and in the case of the compass app, the direction is displayed directly in the direction of north, south, east and west instead of a needle.


No matter which method I used, I had no problems finding directions by looking at the compass. In the case of the compass app, it was nice to be able to use it in various environments. Since I rarely carry a compass with me, I think it would be good to use a compass app.


Above, we learned how to read the compass. If you learn it on a regular basis, you will be able to use it usefully when you get lost.