내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴 View/withdraw all sites registered under my name

내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴hello! This is a share house.
Now, unsurprising privacy leaks continue to happen, right? I’m getting spam emails and texts from here and there… by any chance! Could I be subscribed to a strange site without knowing it?

1. Enter the e-Privacy Clean Service site (KISA).
[Go to e-Privacy Clean Service] Both PC and mobile are available!
Click ‘membership withdrawal application’ in the middle!

2. Go through the identity verification process.
Don’t worry, it’s only used for real-name authentication! You will need to do two things: identity verification and real name verification. There is no separate fee involved.

3. Check the query result.
The search results are divided into ① resident registration number identification details ② i-PIN identification details ③ mobile phone identification details, and the certification authority is classified at the bottom of each item. If you click each tab and certification authority button, a list of sites registered with that information appears at the bottom.

There are three types of processing: ‘can apply for withdrawal’, ‘direct withdrawal’, and ‘unavailable’.

4. Withdrawal application
You can apply for withdrawal by checking the items available for application for withdrawal and clicking the ‘Application for Membership Withdrawal’ button at the bottom.

5. Check the withdrawal application result
You can check the withdrawal application result on the main page.
As a rule, you must make a request for withdrawal from the website yourself, so please note that if you request withdrawal through a clean service site, the website administrator may refuse to withdraw or the withdrawal process may be delayed!
For details, call the Korea Internet & Security Agency – 118 without an area code (Internet Counseling Center)
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Average of 3 new updates per week

Seller information (phone number, e-mail, address, etc.) cannot be used for commercial purposes such as marketing and advertising without the explicit consent of the seller.
If the seller’s information is collected and used for commercial purposes such as marketing and advertising without the seller’s explicit consent, it may be subject to fines for negligence and criminal punishment in accordance with related laws such as the Information and Communications Network Act.
Naver Co., Ltd., as a provider of the mail order brokerage system, is not a party to mail order sales. Duties and responsibilities related to content sales, refunds, etc., lie with the seller.

내가 가입한 사이트 탈퇴
