노인스포츠지도사 자격증 Welcome to KSSIA

노인스포츠지도사 자격증This training is conducted to learn new program development and guidance.
This is a private international exchange event for the healthy lives of the elderly.
This is a national event aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle and leisure atmosphere.
This is a volunteer activity that revitalizes the lives of seniors through magic and singing.
If you have any questions regarding the association, please fill out the form.
We will respond kindly as quickly as possible.
We would like to inform you of the branches registered with the Korea Senior Sports Instructors Association.
These are photos from various events of the Korea Senior Sports Instructors Association.
We would like to inform you of job information for the Korea Senior Sports Instructors Association.
We would like to inform you of the schedule for the qualification examination for the Korea Senior Sports Instructors Association.
Cooperating Institution
Partner organization
Since its establishment in 2015, the Korea Senior Sports Instructors Association has been organically cooperating with government agencies to systematically produce professionals for the mentally and physically healthy and happy lives of the elderly in the aging era.

노인스포츠지도사 자격증
