농협 카드없이 현금 인출 Don’t worry if you forget your wallet! How to use Nonghyup mobile withdrawal

Withdraw cash without a Nonghyup card? Completely conquer the NH Nonghyup Mobile ATM withdrawal method!
Have you ever run to the ATM because you suddenly need cash, but forget your Nonghyup card? Do not worry! Using Nonghyup Bank’s mobile ATM withdrawal service, you can easily withdraw cash without a card. In this article, we explain in more than 1000 words how to withdraw cash without a Nonghyup card, and organize all the information you may be curious about in one place. 농협 카드없이 현금 인출

Mobile ATM withdrawal procedure

농협 카드없이 현금 인출
Run the NH Smart Banking app: Run the NH Smart Banking app installed on yo 이베이스매뉴얼 ur smartphone.
Select the Mobile ATM menu: Select the ‘Mobile ATM’ menu on the main screen.
Registering an ATM withdrawal account: If you are using it for the first time, you must register an account for withdrawals. Click the ‘Register ATM withdrawal account’ button and select the desired account.
Enter withdrawal amount: Enter the amount you wish to withdraw. The one-time withdrawal limit is 300,000 won, and the daily withdrawal limit is 6 million won.
Confirm authentication number: Click the ‘Withdraw’ button and a 6-digit authentication number will be issued.
Authentication at the ATM machine: Go to the Nonghyup Bank ATM machine and press the ‘Deposit Withdrawal’ button.
Select ‘Mobile Withdrawal’ on the screen.
Verify your identity: Complete your identity verification by entering your 6-digit date of birth.
Enter authentication number: Enter the 6-digit authentication number received in step 5.
Cash withdrawal: Cash is paid out according to the amount entered.

The authentication number is valid for 10 minutes after issuance.
It cannot be used at overseas ATMs.
Withdrawal fees are the same as regular withdrawals.
Advantages of mobile ATM withdrawal
Easy withdrawal without card: You can withdraw cash without worrying if you lose or forget your card.
Available 24 hours a day, anywhere: You can use it without restrictions on time and place.
Easy identity verification: You can verify your identity by simply entering your date of birth.
Mobile ATM Withdrawal Tips
Make sure your smartphone has enough battery.
Please use the ATM during times when it is not crowded.
Please enter the exact withdrawal amount.
Never share your authentication number with anyone else.
Q. What are the mobile ATM withdrawal limits?

A. The one-time withdrawal limit is 300,000 won, and the daily withdrawal limit is 6 million won.

Q. Can I use it at overseas ATMs?

A. It cannot be used at overseas ATMs.

Q. What are the withdrawal fees?

A. The same fees as regular withdrawals are charged.

Q. Can I use the NH Smart Banking app without it?

A. Yes, the NH Smart Banking app is absolutely necessary.

Q. What should I do if I cannot withdraw money from a mobile ATM?

A. Contact NH Nonghyup Bank Customer Center

Q. Are mobile ATM withdrawals safe?

A. Safety measures such as identity verification procedures and OTP authentication are in place, so you can use it safely.

Q. Where can I find other questions?