똥꿈 해몽 Dream interpretation of poop, dream of stepping on poop, dream of pooping, dream of poop

똥꿈 해몽#1 Dream of stepping on poop
Money comes in due to an unexpected windfall. I have free money and am going on a trip.

#2 Dream about poop coming out of the ground
By investing in production and food industry, you can increase your business performance and earn a huge amount of money to become rich. If you invest in real estate, land, or forests, it becomes a land of gold.

#3 Dream about pooping
Invest in production and export businesses to achieve great business results and become rich.

#4 Dream of stepping on poop
By investing in transportation, transport, distribution, export industries, etc., business performance is improved and the company develops into a solid company. Windfalls, wealth, money, jobs, etc. arise. With friends
Joint investment improves business performance and becomes rich

#5 A dream about bright jade appearing in tiger poop
As the icing on the cake, the double suits come in overlapping clothes. A pregnant woman gives birth to a beautiful daughter

#6 A dream of bright jade appearing in cow dung
Through an unexpected windfall, he gains a lot of wealth. Auspicious omens such as discovery of gold and silver jewelry, money, and pregnancy dream

#7 Dream of seeing a toilet full of feces in a country house
Wealth and money come in from far away, and business prospers day by day.

#8 Dream of collecting a lot of chicken poop
You can use savings or old money. Wealth, money, goods, windfall, etc. are created.

#9 A dream of being struck by lightning while playing with an oxtail
If you start a business, you will make a huge amount of money and become rich. A fortune that is not a dream comes to me

#10 A dream where there are piles of poop all over the yard
Wealth and money are pouring in from many places. Receive overdue credit payments and make a lump sum of money
#11 Dream about poop covered in the garden
If you invest in real estate, land, or forests, you will have good luck and the price will skyrocket.

#12 A dream in which you felt upset because your baby’s feces or urine got on your clothes
Signs that you will be scolded or embarrassed by those around you

#13 Dream about kneading a newborn baby’s poop with your hands
If you did not feel uncomfortable while touching poop in your dream, it is a sign that you will make money through business or other work.

#14 A dream about jade coming out of bear poop
By investing in production, distribution, food industry, etc., business performance is improved and the business prospers day by day. Develop products that suit consumer tastes. Wealth and money are created

#15 A dream with a mountain of shit
It symbolizes finances, economy, wealth, money, finance, insurance, terminal companies, products, food, clothing, food, gifts, advertisements, information, backroom transactions, etc. If you are lucky, wealth and money will come in and you will become rich. Windfalls, good luck, gifts, payments, contracts, winning bids, achievements, etc. occur.

#16 A dream where there were maggots on a pile of shit
A sign that you will make a lot of profit by investing in manufacturing or the food industry.

#17 A dream in which feces are piled up inside a pigsty.
This is a sign that the business is going well and a lot of money and wealth will come in, and you will have great fun investing in real estate and reinvest it to make a lot of money. A good dream that suggests money, windfall, good luck, etc.

#18 Jonah’s dream of urinating and pooping on the bedding
Because of a momentary mistake, you feel embarrassed and embarrassed. The shame spreads. Or, you get to do things the way you want to, gain wealth and money equivalent to the effort you put in, and feel somewhat pleasant.

#19 A dream about seeing a bathroom full of feces, or a similar dream
Business is going well and wealth and money are coming in. Good luck, such as windfall, goods, food and clothing, and good fortune.

#20 Dream about poop on clothes
Wealth and money will naturally follow a chance opportunity. Lucky luck such as windfall, public money, etc.

© D’Artagnan Story

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