멜론 해지 Customer Center>Frequently Asked Questions>Melon

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Kakao Entertainment Co., Ltd. 221 Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
CEO: Jinsoo Lee, Seongsoo Kim
Business registration number: 220-88-02594
Mail-order business report number: 2018-Seongnam Bundang B-0004 business information confirmation
Inquiries: 1566-7727 (weekdays 09:00-18:00, paid)
Email: melon_info@kakaoent.com
Hosting service provider: Kakao Entertainment Co., Ltd.
© Kakao Entertainment Corp.

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A system in which the Korea Internet & Security Agency or the certification body certifies that a series of measures and activities for information protection and personal information protection meet the certification standards

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