모기 잡는 법 Learn how to catch mosquitoes and find mosquitoes

모기 잡는 법Did you know that there are skills and tricks to catching mosquitoes?

From now on, let’s learn more about ‘how to find mosquitoes’ and ‘how to catch mosquitoes’.

How to find a way to catch mosquitoes

This is the case when you lay down with the lights turned off to sleep at night, or when you hear the sound of mosquitoes in your ear while you are sleeping at night.

I turn on the lights to catch mosquitoes, but most of the time I can’t see them.

At this time, all you need is the LED light next to the smartphone camera.

Turn on the LED light on your smartphone when you hear mosquitoes with the general lights off.

Most mosquitoes have a characteristic of approaching a light in a dark room and stopping on a nearby wall after 1 to 2 minutes.

At this time, shine the LED light of the smartphone on the nearby wall where the mosquito is located.

When a mosquito on the wall comes into range, it hits it.

This is the same situation as ‘Finding Mosquitoes’, where you turn off the lights to sleep at night or hear mosquitoes while you sleep at night.

Lie flat on a bed or on the floor.

Next, set the smartphone’s display brightness to maximum and then set it to not turn off.

Place the smartphone display on top of your chest with the display facing the ceiling.

With your smartphone resting on your chest, take a long breath toward the display light. Mosquitoes approach by recognizing smartphone light and human carbon dioxide.

Most mosquitoes will land on your smartphone screen within 5 minutes. At this point, you just need to catch the mosquito.

Now that we know how to find mosquitoes, let’s learn how to catch them.

If the mosquito is sitting, you can actually catch it easily.

A bit of skill is required when mosquitoes are flying around.

Most of them use their palms to the left and right when catching mosquitoes.

However, mosquitoes fly up and down, so you have to hit your palm ‘up and down’ to catch them.

Please refer to the picture below.

Mosquitoes must be hit up and down

Mosquitoes don’t hide anywhere, there are places they like.

Mosquitoes are seasonal insects that appear only in summer. So I usually hide or sit in a warm place.

In particular, I like curtains that retain warmth from sunlight or blankets that retain warmth.

Mosquitoes love warm places. That’s why I like the back of electronics.

In particular, they are often hidden in the backs of TVs, PCs, and stand lights.

Mosquitoes love warm and dark places.

It is usually found in dark places, such as the back of a sofa, the back of a closet, the corner under a table, the shadow of a curtain, or under a dining table.

One tip is that mosquitoes are startled and move when stimulated by fan wind, so you can hit them well at this time.

Characteristics of Mosquitoes

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