번아웃 증상 Am I burnt out too? – How researchers recover from burnout and academic exhaustion | Editage Insights

번아웃 증상These burnout symptoms occur when work and study are mixed with daily life, and work stress affects daily life. The burnout phenomenon experienced by academic researchers, graduate students, and research students is especially called academic burnout. ) is also called.
According to the results of a recent survey conducted in the United States and Europe2, it is reported that burnout in higher education institutions has increased rapidly. Among U.S. university faculty, the number of respondents who said they were stressed doubled in 2020 compared to 2019, and more than half of respondents said they were currently considering changing jobs or seriously considering early retirement. In addition, as experimental research schedules have become more often postponed after COVID-19, researchers’ stress has increased due to uncertainty about work performance, as well as anxiety and confusion due to the frozen employment market at universities and research institutes and increased job uncertainty. has increased.
In these situations, it is important for researchers to understand their own stress and anxiety levels and practice self-care measures to reduce stress in order to continue their studies and work. First, let’s look at the typical symptoms of burnout and see how many of them apply to you.
How many things did you check? Next, we will identify the causes of academic burnout and stress. Burnout symptoms don’t occur for just one reason. Various factors create stress and it continues to occur. Below is a list of some of the stressors experienced by researchers within academia who experience academic burnout. Write down on paper what factors you also have.
There may be various factors depending on each researcher’s situation. Now, let’s face the factors listed and start with a small plan for recovery step by step. In this article, we have summarized standard, social, and physical self-care methods, starting with practical lifestyle habits.
Practical lifestyle self-care

Emotional/Social Self-Care

physical self-care
Research and academics are not sprints. Remember to run a long distance marathon at your own pace. Relax a little and remember that relaxation is important!

1.WHO. Burn-out an “occupational phenomenon”: International Classification of Diseases. https://www.who.int/news/item/28-05-2019-burn-out-an-occupational-phenomenon-international-classification-of-diseases
2. Virginia Gewin. Pandemic burnout is rampant in academia. Natur https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-021-00663-2

further reading
Vacation Planning Tips for Researchers: How to Take a Light-Minded Vacation
How I looked after my mental health during my PhD

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