사대보험 계산기 Change of the four major insurance rate tables for 2024 FOUR major insurances calculator

Hello. I looked into the meaning of the four major insurances, the certificate of full payment, and the confirmation of the subscription details last time. 사대보험 계산기

Today, we will introduce the four major insurance rate changes and the four major insurance rate tables for 2024.


Table of Contents

Table of the four major insurance rates for 2024

Change of the four major insurance rates


사대보험 계산기

1. Table of the four major insurance rates for 2024

When you receive your salary for the first time, you will see the difference between the company’s negotiated annual salary and what you will actually receive.

This is because there are items that are automatically deducted from your salary. The four major insurances are policies implemented by the government for the welfare of the people, and they cannot be selectively subscribed, but are compulsory.

It may be a little unfair to force my salary to be taken away, but the good thing is that the employer pays for my four-day insurance together.

As of 2024, the rate table for the four major insurances (national pension, health, employment, and industrial accidents) of workers and business owners is as follows.


the national pension fund

one’s health

long-term care insurance premiums


industrial accident

a worker



50% subscriber burden


Different businesses

business owner



50% borne by the business owner







the standard amount

monthly base income

monthly remuneration

health insurance fee

unemployment benefits

In the case of the 📌 national pension, 9% of the standard income will be paid. At this time, workers will make 4.5% and employers will make 4.5%, with a total of 9% attributable to the country.

The monthly base income ranges from a minimum of 370,000 won to a maximum of 5.9 million won. In other words, even if you earn less than 370,000 won, it is calculated based on 370,000 won, and on the contrary, if you earn more than 5.9 million won, it is calculated based on 5.9 million won.

Employment insurance on the 📌 rate table is 1.8%, but if you have a lot of employees, the employer may pay an additional portion. Employment insurance is used for unemployment benefits and job security projects (such as government policies to help you find new jobs). The preferred companies for employment insurance are less than 500 employees in manufacturing and less than 300 employees in construction.

The amount of industrial accident insurance in the 📌 rate table varies by industry classified according to the risk of accidents. In the case of industrial accidents, the total amount is borne by the employer without the burden of workers.

In the case of employment and industrial accident insurance, the percentage of rates that vary will be additionally prepared in the next post.

2. Change of the four major insurance rates

The percentage of premiums that are taken away every year varies.

The table summarizes the changes in the four major premium rates in 22, 23, and 24.


22 years

23 years

24 years

the national pension fund




one’s health




long-term care insurance








industrial accident

Different businesses

In the case of national pension and employment insurance, you can see that it has been frozen continuously.

On the other hand, long-term care insurance continued to rise little by little. I carefully guess that as people’s life expectancy rises, the period of medical care increases, so does it.

3. an insurance calculator

After searching Naver for ‘four major insurance calculator’, I used a calculator from insure.fpvhxm.com .

As above, if you put in the monthly salary and the number of workers, the amount I, a worker, and the amount paid by the business operator will automatically come out.