아이템매니아 거래하는법 Review of how to trade item mania

아이템매니아 거래하는법There are sites such as Itemmania and Itembay, but for those who have never traded before, I would like to introduce how trading works. Please refer to it and make sure there are no mistakes in trading.

It’s a good idea to first get all the certifications you can get on the site. Please ensure that all items that can verify your identity, such as email, mobile phone, and deposit account, are authenticated so that buyers can feel at ease. After going through this process, search for the article you want to sell according to the game name and server and register it.

I’m going to use Night Crow. When you browse the server, you’ll see a list with posts from other people.

Usually, the writing is formed in this way, and when you write, it is updated and placed at the top. After registering the article, the buyer sees the article and makes an advance payment. This deposited amount is once stored by the brokerage site, and from the point of storage, the transaction between the seller and the buyer takes place.
If the purchase is canceled, the amount deposited back to the buyer will be returned, and if the transaction is made, it will go to the seller in the form of mileage. You can think of it as a concept in which a third party intermediaries for safe transactions.

I registered the item through Nightcrow, and a purchase request came in from the buyer and the transaction proceeded.

When the buyer reads what I wrote and responds to make a transaction, the status is [Waiting for payment]
If you make a deposit while waiting for deposit, the status will be [Sold].

In the selling status, chatting between the buyer and the seller is possible. All you have to do is coordinate with each other through chat and close the deal.

When all transactions are completed, the buyer will make a final confirmation that the acquisition has been completed. When this final confirmation is made, the brokerage site will accumulate the amount you had for safe transactions as mileage. This mileage can be withdrawn to your account, including the withdrawal fee of 1,000 won.

If the buyer has received the seller’s product but does not press the completion of the acquisition, the site retains the amount of the advance payment, so if you inquire about related matters through the brokerage site’s customer center, the site will mediate. You don’t have to worry too much because all the contents of the chat are also helpful. That’s why even if you ask for a fee, you will use a brokerage site.

It’s not a big deal once you try it, but people who trade for the first time, including me, often imagine whether they are just blowing away their precious game goods. I hope you can refer to this article and make a safe transaction without worrying too much.
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