안마의자 버리는 법 How to separate and dispose of massage chairs

The massage chair is a product that has not been registered with the free home appliance collection service (1599-0903). Therefore, it must be disposed of in a different way.

Collection of different massage chairs by local government
Even in Seoul, there are places where massage chairs are collected for free through an agency if you pay only the disposal fee for each district, and there are places where you have to discharge directly through a private company. If you use a private company, the cost of 100,000 ~ 200,000 won is not easy. 안마의자 버리는 법

안마의자 버리는 법

In addition, some local governments do not collect garbage even if they are placed in front of the house, making it difficult to process. It is best to inquire at the homepage or community center of the district office or city hall where you live and check how to dispose of the massage chair. 1분전


It seems that sooner or later, most regions will introduce a system that uses an agency to collect waste. Until then, I think I have to endure even if it’s uncomfortable.

Apply for subtraction collection

Through an app called subtraction, we help connect you to large waste disposal companies. Some local government websites also recommend uppla if you search for large-sized waste.


Hwaseong City Hall – Bulky Waste – Discharge – Application
Large-sized waste collection guide in Hwaseong

When too heavy items cannot be discharged outside, professional collection personnel visit and complete the collection. However, there is a disadvantage that the cost is more than 100,000 won because a general company is used. It can be processed regardless of region, and it is recommended as the cleanest and easiest way to process it except for the cost.

Dispose of waste by attaching a sticker
If you inquire at the security office or management office of an apartment or multi-unit dwelling, most will issue a sticker. If it is a detached house or you cannot purchase a sticker from the management office, you can purchase one from a nearby community center or convenience store.


The cost varies by local government, and you can check the amount on the local government website. In the case of Hwaseong-si, it was confirmed that it was 15,000 won.


The downside is that you have to stick stickers and move them out of the house yourself. In addition, if the local government does not collect at all, this method cannot be used. In the case of Gangseo-gu, Seoul, it was confirmed that it is not included in the emission items. In this case, you must use a private company.

If the product works normally but is too old to sell, please post it on a second-hand trading app such as Carrot Market or a local cafe. If the person who receives the moving cost or labor force pays for it and takes it, it is good to be able to handle it without burdening the cost.


Some of the recipients bring gifts to express their gratitude, so this is a way to help each other.