여론조사 전화차단 방법 How to block poll phone calls

Let’s learn how to block poll phone calls in just 1 minute. The three mobile carriers, KT, LG U+, and SKT, all have slightly different methods for blocking poll calls. In particular, before election periods such as election season and local elections, there are so many calls for opinion polls that they really interfere with daily life.

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여론조사 전화차단

Even if you block them one by one, you may get annoyed by a poll call from another number. In the past, during the oath-taking period, there were so many individual calls informing us of Candidate Heo Gyeong-young through public opinion polls that there was an issue big enough to be featured on the news.

You can block these poll calls by investing just one minute, so let’s learn about how to block each carrier.

Table of Contents
Why am I getting a poll call?
How to block poll calls (SKT, LG U+, KT)
SKT poll phone calls blocked
Block LG U+ poll calls
KT poll phone blocking
How to search for advertisements, spam, and phone calls
How to block loan solicitation calls
Why am I getting a poll call?
Before learning how to block poll phone calls, I have one question. ‘How do they know my number and call me?’ Here’s how this poll call comes in.

In accordance with the Public Official Election Act, when a political party or opinion polling agency requests a telecommunication company, the telecommunication company will randomly extract the customer database and provide it to the public opinion polling agency or political party. This is provided as above because it is legal under the Public Official Election Act, which allows telecommunications companies to provide my number.

That’s why public opinion polls come to us, and if we don’t take any action, it is automatically considered that consent has been reached.

How to block poll calls (SKT, LG U+, KT)
Let’s learn how to block poll phone calls. You can refuse to provide your number to the telecommunication company you use. The landline numbers related to blocking poll calls for each telecommunication company are as follows.

SKT poll phone calls blocked
1547 without area code

Block LG U+ poll calls

KT poll phone blocking

How to search for advertisements, spam, and phone calls
In addition to elections and opinion polls, other advertising calls and spam calls are constantly coming. Before answering a call, there is a way to check if it is a spam or advertising call.

On the Internet, you can search for a phone number through a website called ‘The Call’ to check which company the number belongs to.

Next, use the app called ‘Whoscall’. When an advertising call comes in, you can check on the screen if it is a spam call based on the database managed by Whoscall itself.

How to block loan solicitation calls
There is also a way to block loan solicitation calls. In the case of loan recommendation calls, you had to apply individually to each financial company, but you can block marketing calls from 200 financial companies through the Do Not Call service.

In addition to phone calls, inquiries to personal credit information can also be blocked, and when inquiries are made, you can receive an alert via text or email. This is a website created by the Fair Trade Commission and the Financial Supervisory Service, and loan solicitation calls will be blocked within two weeks after application.

This is available for free, so please use it.

Registration system for refusal to receive telephone solicitation sales

Do Not Call (financial contact suspension system)

How to block poll calls in 1 minute While learning about KT, LG U+, and SKT, we also learned about blocking and viewing methods for advertising and spam calls.