우티 택시 사용법Customers who have used Kakao Taxi in the past may have had inconveniences.
There was a bit of a solo feeling, but with the appearance of Ooty Taxi, I hope it will be a good competition.
Today, let’s take a look at Ooty Taxi-related information and check the current discount information along with how to use it.
First, let’s take some time to find out about the contents.
If you know the words T-map Taxi and Uber, you can infer them to some extent. Right after T-map and Uber met, it was newly born under the name of Uti, and it is called UT Taxi in English (whether it should be called Uti or not).
Basically, it is a call taxi service that allows you to use a taxi, and the usage method is almost similar to Kakao Taxi.
Now let’s look at how to use it in earnest. In order to use UT Taxi, you need to install the application first.
If the installation is complete, we will continue.
If you have installed the Ooty Taxi app, there is a simple process of verifying your identity before starting.
You can proceed with your mobile phone number and email. You can proceed by conveniently connecting with your Google account, etc.
When you finish this process, you will come to the following screen. From now on, you can use it really simply. Please refer to the process carefully
1. Where are you going? Click the part called and enter the name of the destination.
2. Check that the relevant destination is displayed and select the destination to move to.
3. Check the expected amount to be paid along with the type of taxi.
4. Wait for the taxi to be dispatched, and board the taxi when it arrives.
5. When you arrive at your destination, get off and pay with the registered method of payment.
If you proceed with the above 5 steps, I think you will be able to use Ooty Taxi easily.
As of right now, it is said that a 20% discount is going on in November. Let’s check out the details of the discount event.
Customers who use the new UT app can receive regular discounts in November,
Since this is an event, it is confirmed that the 20% discount is being held regardless of the number of times during the November period.
There is one thing that you should remember is that you have to use the app, but you don’t have to worry about it. You can’t use Ooty Taxi without using the app, so you can see that anyone can get it.
It seems to be good news for those who use a lot of taxis. I think you should use it a lot.
So far, we have looked at event information along with how to use UT Taxi, a new taxi service.
It seems that the service is in the initial stage of entry, so there may be many errors, and it seems that there are many inconveniences among users so far.
In this case, calling the Ooty Taxi customer center and making inquiries seems to be a quick solution. It would be nice if you also remember the phone number below.
Ooty customer center phone number: 1800-0191
E-mail for related inquiries: support@ut.taxi
Then, please use safe and comfortable public transportation today.
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