유튜브 프리미엄 가격 할인 Tips for saving money! 5 ways to get YouTube premium discounts

How to use the YouTube Premium Discount Card for 9,900 won per month
YouTube Premium is a paid service that provides various benefits such as watching videos without advertisements, offline saving, and background playback. However, many users feel burdened by the monthly price of 10,900 won.

But did you know that there is a way to use YouTube Premium for 9,900 won per month? This is how to use the YouTube Premium Discount Card.

1. What is the YouTube Premium Discount Card? 유튜브 프리미엄 가격 할인

The YouTube Premium Discount Card is a card that allows you to use YouTube Premium at a discounted price. Discount rates vary depending on the card type, but you can receive a discount of up to **10%**.

2. Types of YouTube premium discount cards

유튜브 프리미엄 가격 할인

Telecommunications company discount card: This is a discount card provided by KT, LG U+, and SKT. Discount benefits vary depending on the mobile carrier plan.
Affiliated discount card: This is a discount card provided by affiliated services such as Coupang Wow Membership and Naver Pay Plus. Discount benefits vary depending on use of affiliated services.
Other discount cards: Discount cards provided by credit cards, check cards, etc. Discount benefits vary depending on the card company.
3. How to use the YouTube Premium Discount Card

Apply for a discount card: Application methods vary de 이베이스매뉴얼 pending on the card issuing organization.
YouTube Premium Subscription: Enter discount card information on the YouTube Premium Subscription page.
Discount applied: Once your discount card information is verified, you can use YouTube Premium at a discounted price.
4. How to apply for YouTube Premium Discount Card

Telecommunications company discount card: Can be applied through the telecommunication company app or website
Affiliate discount card: Can be applied through the affiliate service app or website
Other discount cards: Can be applied through the card company app or website
5. Precautions when using YouTube Premium Discount Card

Discount rates and terms of use vary depending on the type of discount card.
Discount cards only support YouTube Premium individual subscriptions.
Discount card does not apply to YouTube Premium family membership.
6. How to use the YouTube Premium Discount Card for 9,900 won per month

KT Membership: YouTube Premium + Music Premium for 9,900 won per month
LG U+ Special Pick: Choose between YouTube Premium + Disney+ for 9,900 won per month
SKT T Membership:
T Space Pass Life: YouTube Premium + Socar 50% discount for 9,900 won per month
T Space Pass all: YouTube Premium + Amazon 5,000 won coupon + 11th Street 3,000p for 10,450 won per month
Coupang Wow Membership:
Wow Membership + YouTube Premium: KRW 12,980 per month (KRW 3,080 discount per month)
Naver Pay Plus:
Naver Pay Plus + YouTube Premium: KRW 12,980 per month (KRW 3,080 discount per month)
7. Learn more about YouTube Premium Discount Card