의사가 먹지않는 음식 9 Foods Doctors Absolutely Avoid | joongang ilbo

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American media ‘Little Things’ introduced unhealthy foods that doctors never eat.
Among human clothing, food, and shelter, food is very important. In particular, if we want to live a healthy life, we need to pay attention to what we eat along with exercise.
Doctors know better than anyone how ‘what’ will work on the body. Here’s a list of ‘unhealthy foods that doctors will never eat’ introduced by Little Things.
1) Processed meat Processed meat is number one on doctors’ blacklists. Processed meats such as bacon and sausage contain large amounts of unhealthy fat, cholesterol, and preservatives. It is easy to cook and boasts an addictive taste, but if you are concerned about your health, you should avoid it. “Processed meat is the least nutritious animal by-product,” says cardiologist David Gunner.
2) Diet soda Don’t be fooled by the words ‘diet’ and ‘zero’. Although they are lower in calories than regular drinks, diet sodas contain more artificial sweeteners to give them a sweeter taste. Artificial sweeteners that are used instead of sugar are fatal to the brain, and doctors recommend reducing the consumption of soda on a diet.
3) Microwave Popcorn This easy-to-cook popcorn contains a lot of trans fat, up to 11g per 100g. In addition, there are a lot of seasonings to taste. Many of the popcorn bags are coated with PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), an environmental pollutant, which causes brain, nerve, and liver disease.
4) White Chocolate Dark chocolate and white chocolate must be distinguished. Dark chocolate helps improve concentration, but white chocolate is high in sugar and low in cacao, so doctors say it is no different from a lump of sugar.
5) Non-fat milk Is non-fat milk really good for health? The answer from the doctors is ‘NO’. Although they tried to reduce fat while maintaining nutrition, whole milk contains many nutrients that cannot be obtained from non-fat milk. The fat content in whole milk is not enough to affect obesity.
6) Margarine Look for non-margarine butter. Margarine is a major source of trans fats. It has a much higher oil content than butter and is not good for health.
7) Flour It is rice rather than wheat. Gluten, the main component of flour, causes many health problems in our body. Excessive intake of white flour can cause diseases such as chronic constipation, obesity, low bone density, and skin eczema.
8) Canned food Long shelf life and easy to eat anywhere canned food has recently developed into various forms. However, doctors recommend not eating canned food. This is because the inside of the can contains more harmful substances than expected. Tin, stainless steel and aluminum are commonly used for canning cans. In order to prevent the inside of the can in contact with food from rusting, an epoxy resin coating with excellent insulation and adhesion is used. Epoxy resin uses bisphenol A, an environmental hormone, as a raw material. During storage and distribution of canned food, even a very small amount of bisphenol A may be eluted. Emphasize that food in glass jars is much healthier than canned cans.
9) Ice Cream Sadly, ice cream is said to be “the worst food ever given to man.” As American nutritionist Dr. Michael Hurt said, synthetic coloring is the highest peak of additives mixed with artificial seasoning, sugar, and coloring. In particular, synthetic coloring agents added to ice cream can be fatal to health. In the case of ‘tar pigments’, they affect atopic dermatitis, rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and asthma, and excessive consumption can cause cancer.
Intern Reporter Lim Yoo-seop im.yuseop@joongang.co.kr
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