자리톡 월세환급 Find out how to apply for monthly rent refund conditions on JariTalk

자리톡 월세환급Go to Jaritak monthly rent refund

The JariTalk app is an app that helps tenants and landlords conveniently view and process various matters related to contracts. In the case of monthly rent refund, up to 4.5 million won is available only for monthly rent from up to 5 years ago. The monthly rent refund system provides a tax deduction for an amount equivalent to 10-20% of the housing costs incurred over the course of a year. The way to apply for this system is through the National Tax Service’s Hometax and JariTalk.

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In order to apply for a monthly rent refund from JariTalk, you must meet the conditions below. (Please note that officetels and gosiwons are excluded.)

You can apply for the monthly rent refund system at Hometex, but there is the inconvenience of having to reconnect multiple times. However, if you apply through JariTalk, it is automatically entered, so you can apply conveniently. Please check below to see how you can receive a monthly rent refund using the Jari Talk app.

Please note that there is a request for tenant confirmation and a space to enter the landlord’s contact information, but this does not mean that you will know that the landlord has applied for a refund, and you do not need the landlord’s permission or consent to receive a monthly rent refund.

Find out about the conditions and application method for monthly rent refund on JariTalk

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