2024 청년도약계좌 조건 및 신청방법 2024 Youth Leap Account conditions and application method

The Youth Leap Account is for young people to

to build assets

supported by the government

This can be seen as a benefit.

청년도약계좌 조건

청년도약계좌 조건


It is carried out in the same form as a savings account for 5 years.

You can freely pay up to 700,000 won every month.



The biggest advantage is

We provide government subsidies of up to 6% per month.

At this time, the additional profit on interest is

You are not supposed to pay taxes.



Then let’s get to the point.

Conditions for membership, where to apply,

Let’s take a look at how to apply.




2024 Youth Leap Account
👉 Check membership conditions 👈




Youth Leap Account-Subscription Conditions-How to Apply


Conditions for signing up for the Youth Leap Account
Youth Leap Account – Subscription Conditions
Source: Government 24

To sign up for a Youth Leap Account

Four conditions must apply.



Age Requirements
Ages 19 to 34 as of new subscription date
If the period of military service is proven by a medical certificate, it is included if the age calculated by subtracting the period of military service (maximum 6 years) from the current age is 34 years or younger.
Income Requirements
If the total salary for the immediately preceding tax period is 75 million won or less.
If the amount of comprehensive income added to the comprehensive income tax base of the previous tax period is KRW 63 million or less.
Furniture Requirements
If the standard median income according to the number of household members is 180% or less
Financial income comprehensive taxation
If you are not subject to comprehensive financial income taxation at least once during the three taxation periods immediately preceding the taxation period to which your subscription date belongs.




Youth Leap Account-Subscription Conditions-Application Method-1
Youth Leap Account-Subscription Conditions-Application Method-2
Youth Leap Account-Subscription Conditions-Application Method-3
Conditions for signing up for the Youth Leap Account

It contains some difficult words.

I think income requirements are the most important factor.



Personal income less than 75 million won

If the comprehensive income amount is less than 63 million won

It can be seen that most applications are made.



Next, for those earning less than 180% of the median income,

Some of you may be curious.

First of all, 180% of the median income of a single-person household in 2024 is

It is 4,011,201 won per month.



In addition, more detailed median income and

Standards for basic livelihood recipients,

Local government-type living benefit standards, etc.

If you want to check with the table,

You can find out through the button below.




👉Check 2024 Income Standards 👈




How to apply for Youth Leap Account

Source: Korea Inclusive Finance Agency

How to apply for a Youth Leap Account

It’s simpler than you think.



First, at a bank where you can sign up

You can apply through the app every month.

Your application will be reviewed for approximately two weeks.

And I will open an account early next month.



Additionally, based on the date of subscription

A maintenance review is conducted every year.

Depending on whether the contribution is paid or not,

The process of adjusting the size is underway.



If so, you can now open a Youth Leap Account.

I need to find out about the bank that handles it, right?








Bank handling youth leap account

Youth Leap Accounts include Industrial Bank of Korea, Kookmin Bank, Nonghyup Bank,

Available at Shinhan Bank, Woori Bank, and Hana Bank.





Click here to apply for Youth Leap Account
IBK Industrial Bank KB Kookmin Bank NH Nonghyup Bank
Shinhan Bank Woori Bank Hana Bank




Concluding the article
Youth Leap Account-Subscription Conditions-Application Method-4
Youth Leap Account-Subscription Conditions-Application Method-5
Youth Leap Account-Subscription Conditions-Application Method-6
Youth Leap Account subscription conditions & application method

Because the Youth Leap Forward Account is supported by the government,

There is no significant difference between any bank.

That is why most banks use

I have a personal opinion that it is better to join.



And you only need to put in at least 1,000 won.

If you have a stable income, feel free to

With the idea of saving even a little bit

I recommend signing up first.



It’s good to have big goals from the beginning.

Let’s save 10,000 or 20,000 won every month.

It may be better to approach with the mindset



In the end, I hope the article was helpful.

Let me finish the post!