카카오메일 확인 3 ways to check Kakao Mail

E-mail addresses are as familiar to many people as mobile phone numbers, as they are the e-mail addresses that people ask when buying things online or exchanging documents necessary for work.

Most portal sites provide free mail service just by registering as a member. However, Kakaotalk, the most familiar to us, also supports the creation of Kakao Mail.

Today we are going to learn how to make Kakao Mail. Anyone can follow along easily and simply because you can use Kakaotalk that you are using without installing a separate app. 카카오메일 확인

In this post, I use the iPhone 12 Pro I am using, but the process is the same even if I use a Galaxy with a different operating system. First, run KakaoTalk.

카카오메일 확인

When you run Kakao, most of the pages you used last open up. Regardless, click More on the far right of the menu icons at the bottom. Next, touch Mail in the upper left corner. JFactory

If you follow it up to here, you can say that you are over half way through. Now, click Create Kakao Mail at the bottom of the page where the welcome message appears.

Now you need to create a name for the address you will use in the future. You can use the existing Kakao Account ID as it is or create a new one. However, once an e-mail is created, it is difficult to delete it, so choose carefully.

It is rather difficult for me to make too many things, so I used the existing Kakao ID as it is. . When the desired name is decided, check again for typos and click OK.

Since you have already signed up for KakaoTalk, you don’t need to enter your own information, and it’s really simple.

If you look in your inbox, you can see Kakao’s welcome mail. What I like the most is that it blocks spam through strong security and is easily linked with KakaoTalk.

The overall layout is quite similar to the existing portal site, so there was no inconvenience or awkwardness to use.

If you want to change the name of the alarm or caller, you can do it through preferences.

There is a representative email setting in the KakaoTalk account, but let’s change it to the newly created Kakao. First, go to More > All Settings > Personal/Security > Kakao Account

Touch e-mail at the top of the screen and click Kakao located below the existing representative address. Next, check the circle and select OK.

After all tasks are completed, you can log in using Kakao Email from now on when using Kakao Talk on a PC, etc.