토스 계좌 연결 해제 To disconnect your Toss account, you can do it like this!

Disconnecting your Toss account is as simple as this!
Disconnecting your Toss account, don’t think it’s difficult! With just a few simple clicks, you can quickly cancel accounts you no longer use. Today, I will tell you about 5 ways to disconnect your Toss account and the pros and cons of each method.

1. Release directly from the Toss app (easiest) 토스 계좌 연결 해제

After running the Toss app, select the ‘All’ menu at the bottom right
Select ‘My Account’ or ‘My Assets’ menu
Select the ‘Edit’ button in the top right 이베이스매뉴얼
Select the ‘Delete’ button next to the account you want to delete
Click the ‘Delete’ button in the ‘Delete Account’ pop-up

토스 계좌 연결 해제

The simplest and fastest way
Anytime, anywhere with just the app

App needs to run
2. Press and hold to delete (quick and easy)

Move to the ‘View accounts, loans, securities, points’ menu in the Toss app.
Long press the account you want to delete and select ‘Delete account’ menu
Click the ‘Delete’ button in the ‘Delete Account’ pop-up

Very fast and easy
Complete with just a few touches

App needs to run
3. Contact Toss Customer Center (when you need help)

After running the Toss app, select the ‘All’ menu at the bottom right
Select ‘Customer Center’ menu
Select ‘1:1 Inquiry’ or ‘Phone Inquiry’
Request to disconnect account

Can be lifted with help from staff
Ability to resolve questions or difficulties

Phone/inquiry time required
Have to wait for an employee to connect
4. Toss website (when using PC)