토스 비상금대출 Review of early repayment, extension, and cancellation of Toss Bank emergency fund loan – Available to the unemployed too: Naver Blog

토스 비상금대출2023. 8. 6. 10:00

This is J, a real life finance influencer and a real housewife.

I would like to inform you about early repayment and extension of Toss Bank emergency fund loan, which many people use conveniently when they are in need of cash. For those of you who are curious, I also tried canceling (withdrawing) my application after applying.

There may be some of you who are new to this, so I will guide you through the product description step by step.



Toss Bank emergency loan

When you suddenly run out of small amounts of cash, you can easily borrow an emergency fund loan from an internet bank non-face-to-face. Since it is possible even without a fixed income, many college students and unemployed people in their 20s also use it. However, since your personal credit is collateral, you need to know in detail.​

The maximum limit is not high, but since it is a negative account, you only pay interest on the amount used in an emergency. Afterwards, you can repay part of the Toss Bank emergency fund loan through early repayment or cancel it altogether.​​

For example, even if you spend 3 million won, if you only use 1 million won, you only have to pay interest every month for the amount you use. In that respect, it is different from a credit loan.​​


Subscription target, interest rate, limit

Only Korean customers aged 19 or older who can sign up for Seoul Guarantee Insurance’s personal finance credit insurance without employment or income restrictions are eligible to subscribe.

However, this is only available to customers who do not have any of the following facts, such as delinquency, bankruptcy, rehabilitation, bankruptcy, or exemption from liability. In fact, customers with low credit can also use it, but you should be aware that the interest rate will be higher.​

The interest rate can vary depending on the time, from a minimum of 6.11% per year to a maximum of 15.00% per year. The interest rate is about 0.3% higher than that of a negative account. In particular, unemployed people with low credit and those new to society need to be careful because interest rates may be set high.​

The limit is from a minimum of 500,000 won to a maximum of 3 million won, and the limit is given differently according to the Seoul Guarantee Insurance review standards. Applications are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and no documents are required to confirm eligibility criteria.

There are no additional costs that the customer must bear when applying and executing the application, and interest is paid through automatic transfer on a set date according to the amount used each month.​


Toss Bank emergency fund loan early repayment, period, loan extension

As with a minus account, only interest is paid every month and the principal is repaid in full at maturity. It can be repaid and reused at any time within the limit, and any remaining balance and unpaid interest will be repaid at the maturity date.

The period is 1 year, but the Toss Bank emergency fund loan can be extended in 1-year increments up to 10 years. To do this, you can apply through the mobile app that has expired. If you continue to extend it, it means that you only have to pay interest without paying back the principal. However, please note that this may not be possible if there is a problem with your credit rating.​

Additionally, if you no longer need it before maturity, you can repay the Toss Bank emergency fund loan early without a surrender charge. Please note that you will not be reimbursed if you do not use it, but you will need to apply for cancellation separately.

Application, early repayment, cancellation review

I also tried authenticating and applying for a review of Jjinjubu. For reference, I took a break from work last year, and this year I am working as a freelancer, so I have not yet filed my taxes, so you can think of it as an emergency loan for the unemployed.

I looked it up and found that the maximum interest rate was 3 million won at an interest rate of 7.46%. It took about 3 minutes. It’s the fastest speed ever.

If you look at Toss Bank’s ‘Borrow’, you can immediately check the emergency fund loan of 3 million won. Since it is not currently being used, it shows 0 won, but if you use more than the balance in the connected account, it will naturally become negative.

And since I actually had no use for it, I applied for cancellation (withdrawal). Just click on management on the right. Please note that if you choose cancellation instead of withdrawal, it will be recorded.

Today, we reviewed Toss Bank emergency fund loan early repayment, extension, application, and cancellation reviews.

It is a super-fast process that takes only about 3 minutes, so anyone can use it conveniently, even the unemployed. However, it is strictly a credit loan, and the interest rate may be somewhat high, so please be careful before applying.


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