트레이더스 연회비 Traders Paid, Changing Methods of Use – NoBlue’s Bamboo Forest

트레이더스 연회비1. Paid membership ‘TRADERS CLUB’ definition2. TRADERS CLUB level and annual fee3. TRADERS CLUB Benefits4. How to join TRADERS CLUB at a low annual fee

Traders Club is a one-year accumulation-type membership service that will be operated on a pilot basis from October 4, 22, and will be fully serviced in January, 23. For reference, regular customers who have not joined the Traders Club can also use it for free as before.

TRADERS CLUB Level / Annual Fee

Traders Club, which offers various benefits such as reward accumulation and additional discounts, is divided into ‘Standard’ members with an annual fee of KRW 30,000 and ‘Premium’ members with an annual fee of KRW 70,000. Business members with BIZ cannot sign up online, and must visit the Traders Customer Happiness Center after bringing their business registration certificate.

[Accumulate TR CASH]
TR CASH, which will be introduced in January 2023, is a membership-only point that can be accumulated only when shopping with Shinsegae points and other offline traders, and has an equivalent of 1 won per point. Annual accumulation limit of KRW 500,000 for standard members / KRW 1 million for premium members is applied. However, the items listed below and products and services that are sold after being specified as not eligible for TR CASH accrual are excluded from accrual.
*Excluding accrual: Payments related to annual fees, Traders Café, Shinsegae gift certificate purchase, subscription ticket purchase, shipping costs such as courier delivery, rental stores (coffee shops, repair rooms, etc.), cultural centers, selvage transaction amount, refund transaction, alcoholic beverages, cigarettes , gold bars, pay-as-you-go envelopes, books

[Member Only Price Discount]
Discount coupons for TRADERS CLUB members are provided after signing up.

[Family Card Provided]
TRADERS CLUB Membership benefits are provided free of charge to one family member living in the same residence, and you must bring your family relationship certificate and visit an offline store to sign up.

Instead of the standard annual fee of 30,000 won, you can use the ‘Annual Membership Secret Proposal’ early-bird membership promotion, which allows you to sign up for 100 won.
1. Traders-affiliated Samsung card holders
– Member issued by September 16, 2022
– Members issued between 9/17 and 10/31, 2022 (However, the annual membership fee benefit period is from 11/4 to 12/31, 2022)
2. Shinsegae Point Member
-Customers who purchase more than KRW 3 million in Traders offline stores in 2021
-Customers who purchased more than KRW 3 million in Traders offline stores from September 2021 to August 2022
For reference, the early bird period is provided separately from the one-year membership subscription period, and TRADERS CLUB member price benefits are provided as well as membership benefits.

[Subscription Process]
TRADERS CLUB registration process

1. Agree to Terms and Conditions: Check I Agree to All.
2. Include member photos. You can select from the camera or album   Select a Traders store you visit frequently.
3. Annual fee payment: You can register a convenient card regardless of the type of card company. It’s a bit cumbersome because it’s a method of manually entering the number rather than recognizing the card number with a camera.
4. Completion of Standard Level Acquisition: We confirmed that the subscription period was valid until the 23rd, 12th, and 31st, including the early bird period.

Coupon issued after joining TRADERS CLUB

5. Enter the coupon box and confirm that a discount coupon for paid membership customers has been provided.

finishing up
As an actual user, I am not happy that Traders Club, which used to be used for free, has become a paid service. So, I hope others can enjoy the early bird benefits before it’s too late like me. thank you

트레이더스 연회비
