해군복지포탈체계 신청 및 이용방법 How to apply and use the Navy Welfare Portal System

The Navy has a ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ for the welfare of Navy officers, soldiers, reservists, and Navy personnel. (※ Of course, the Navy can also use the Army Hudream.) Through the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’, you can use Navy hotels/halls located in 4 locations nationwide at a low price, and you can also make reservations and use 5 golf courses at a low price.



What makes the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ different from other military welfare portals is that non-Navy personnel can also use it after signing up for membership. Of course, the discount benefits are smaller than those for active-duty soldiers, reservists, and military personnel, but it is still a big advantage that you can use good facilities at a low price. In this post, we will learn about how to use hotels/halls and golf courses through the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’.

Table of Contents

Basic Use of the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’
‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ Target Audience and Membership Level
‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ National Hotel/Meeting Hall Introduction and Use Method
‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ National Golf Course (Physical Training Center) Introduction and Use Method
Good Articles to Read Together

Basic Use of the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’

Navy Welfare Portal System – Membership Registration
Navy Welfare Portal System Membership Registration

It’s obvious, but you must register as a member to use the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’. You can register as a member by going to the link below and clicking the Membership Registration button on the upper right corner of the homepage.

Go to Navy Welfare Portal System Membership Registration

‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ Target Audience and Membership Level

‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ members are largely divided into regular members, associate members, and general members, and there are differences in usage fees and benefits. When using hotels and halls, you can use them based on the three grades above, and when using golf courses (physical training centers), you can further refine the grades and targets of use by adding ‘regular member treatment’ and ‘associate member treatment’ grades. We will provide detailed information on the target users through the hotel/hall and golf course introductions below.

‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ Nationwide Hotel/hall Introduction and Usage Methods
There are a total of four hotel/hall facilities available nationwide through the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’. When using them, you must present a document that can verify your regular or associate member status. For active duty, you must present a military ID card, for reserves, you must present a reserve service certificate (discharge certificate), and for active and reserves, you must present a family pass or family relationship certificate that can prove that you are a family, health insurance card, or military welfare portal defense family mobile certificate. For more information about Sissel, please refer to the table below. If you go to the page through each [Go to] button of the comprehensive guide, you can see detailed information such as room rates, target audience, facilities, transportation, information phone, and auxiliary facilities at a glance.

Facility name Comprehensive guide
Seoul Navy Hotel [Go to]
Jinhae Navy Hall [Go to]
Jeju Navy Hotel [Go to]
Pyeongtaek Navy Hotel [Go to]

Go to hotel/hall reservation application

‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ Introduction to nationwide golf courses (physical training centers) and how to use them
There are a total of 5 golf courses available nationwide through the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’. Usually, golf courses among military welfare facilities are referred to as ‘physical training centers’, but I think it is because the public still perceives golf as a luxury sport. Perhaps that is why many people do not know that physical training centers are golf courses. Golf courses are also available to the general public, so if you usually enjoy golf, please make full use of them.

When using the golf course of the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’, the scope of use for regular and associate members has been expanded as the users of regular and associate members have been added. Please check the comprehensive information for each golf course in the table below for detailed information on required documents for entering the golf course, facilities, users, member fees, information phone numbers, course information, and transportation information, and then proceed with the reservation. Facility name comprehensive guide
Pyeongtaek (Manpodae) Physical Training Center [Go]
Jinhae (Hansandae) Physical Training Center [Go]
Donghae (Naksandae) Physical Training Center [Go]
Pohang (Chungmudae) Physical Training Center [Go]
Marine Corps (Deoksandae) Physical Training Center [Go]

Go to Golf Course Reservation Application

Good article to read together
If you have difficulty in using the hotel/hall facilities of the ‘Navy Welfare Portal System’ due to distance or use, it is also a good idea to use the hotel facilities of the ‘Army Hudream’. Please check the link below for how to use the hotel facilities through the ‘Army Hudream’.