화물운송자격증 시험 문제 Freight transport license test questions

Let’s take a look at how to pass the freight transport license exam questions free of charge and what the freight transport qualification test is. From July 21, 2004, the Korea Transportation Safety Authority was entrusted with the project from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to promote safe operation and sound development of the freight transport industry and improve transport services by securing the expertise of truck drivers.


Business (business use) and freight car (contract, individual, general cargo) drivers who are subject to acquisition of cargo transport license must be certified before driving. Business use here refers to a car that is registered for the purpose of paid transportation to provide transportation services in response to the transportation demand of others and receive compensation for it, and refers to a car equipped with a yellow license plate for business use. 화물운송자격증 시험 문제


The freight transport qualification test consists of 80 test subjects, 25 questions on traffic and cargo-related laws, 15 questions on cargo handling tips, 25 questions on safe operation, and 15 questions on transportation services. The test time is 80 minutes, and you pass when you get 48 questions or more, which is 60% or more of the total score. The relevant legal basis is Article 8 of the Lorry Transportation Business Act, Article 15 of the Enforcement Decree, and Article 18 of the Enforcement Rule. 좋은뉴스

화물운송자격증 시험 문제



We will guide you through the basics, such as the conditions for taking the test, before we guide you on how to obtain the license for free by using the past test for freight forwarding license. This is a guide to the qualification process.




You must be over 20 years old with a Class 1 driver’s license or a Class 2 regular license, have more than 2 years of driving experience, and 1 year of Saung Job experience, and be judged suitable for the driver’s aptitude test (new test). In addition, you must be a person who does not fall under the grounds for disqualification under Article 9 of the Trucking Transport Business Act.




Online registration is also available, and in-person registration is available at 15 test centers nationwide. The test fee is 11,500 won, and the required materials are a driver’s license and a 3.5cm×4.5cm color photo taken within 6 months.




You must enter the room before the start of the test, and the 1st round is 09:20~10:40, the 2nd round is 11:00~12:20, the 3rd round is 14:00~15:20, and the 4th round is 16:00~17:20. Depending on the headquarters, the number of tests may be changed.




Results will be separately notified only to successful applicants and can be checked on the Internet. Educational materials for successful applicants are: education fee of KRW 11,500, certificate issuance fee of KRW 10,000, one photo (limited to those who have not submitted), driver’s license, and one certificate of non-existence of guardianship registration.




Details about the eligibility criteria. You can take the test only when all of the requirements are met, and you cannot take the test if any of the items below are not met.




You are a person who meets the criteria for a thorough driving aptitude test set by the Ordinance of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport. Driver aptitude test is a kind of job aptitude test that detects individual defects by scientifically measuring individual personality and psychophysiological behavioral characteristics related to the occurrence of traffic accidents. This test is for those who wish to prevent traffic accidents caused by After making a reservation for a date and place in advance, you can visit the local inspection site on that day and receive an audit.




This corresponds to the grounds for disqualification.




These are the conditions for applying for foreign nationals.




The questions and difficulty level are easy. A large number of question analysis cards are systematically classified and stored in the question bank method, and then questions are randomly presented. Although the questions are not disclosed, the same questions are presented. In the post, I will also reveal Noahu, who can pass the cargo transportation qualification test review and experience.




From now on, we will guide you on how to solve past exam questions for free and pass. This is the site I used while preparing for the exam. It is available free of charge. Search for Driver’s Bar Test on the portal site and go to the site. Please select the part marked in red as follows.




It is divided into the following menus: solving past problems, solving expected problems, solving actual problems, and downloading test materials.




If you choose to solve past problems, you will move to the following. Anticipated problems are listed. Let’s start with the anticipated problems. The subjects are 4 subjects: traffic and trucking business related laws, safety driving matters, cargo handling tips, and transportation services.




If you select problem solving, you can check as shown below, read the problem and select the answer.




If the answer is correct, a pop-up window will appear saying Correct Answer.




If it is incorrect, a pop-up window stating that the answer is not correct is displayed.




At the bottom you can see the setting changes. After completion, you can make a phone call by checking the correct answer, and you can change the setting to make the key point visible or invisible.




Click Save + Check Result.




It appears that you need to log in. If you want to solve it right away and see the entire result at once, rather than checking the correct answer, you must sign up. However, if you check the questions and answers right away, you do not need to sign up separately, so you can choose.




This time, let’s choose to solve the expected problem.




As explained above, you will be moved to the same page. Let’s choose an issue.




The problem comes out the same, but the key point part is visible. It is helpful to understand the related contents, so please read it once.




Coverage can be changed in settings.




This is a practical problem solving. If you have checked the difficulty level and studied through the questions in front, we will test the test with the same number of questions and items as in the actual test site.




The practical problem solving section is guided as a corner where you can solve problems in the same subject and number of questions as in the actual test so that you can learn a sense of practice. Saved problems can be checked again in the result inquiry/review corner, and you can solve only the wrong problems again.




Set aside time to solve the questions and answers. I only solved 5 problems to show you guys.




If you look at the end of the problem, there is a Save + Check result as follows. Please click




You can solve the wrong problem again, but I will click OK in the result inquiry.




You can check the checked answer and what the correct answer is as follows. Correct questions are marked with an O, incorrect questions with an X, and unsolved questions with a △.




Finally, download the test materials.




There are related materials and summary materials. Let’s choose a brief summary.




The important information is summarized and organized in an easy-to-read format as follows: If you understand the contents at least once, it will help you solve the problem.




This is the certification I got. I hope you all prepare and acquire it right now. If you don’t study at all, it’s a difficulty that you can fall. However, if you solve it a few times, you can pass it enough, so please use the baro test to prepare for free.



If you summarize the review of passing the exam by using the past questions of the freight transportation license, read the summary once and solve the problem twice. Finally, check your score through the practical problem solving test, and if you get a score of 80 or higher, you can pass.


If you get a score below that, please repeat it once again. You can directly feel the score go up. I hope you pass and always drive safely.