화물운송자격증 취득방법 How to get a cargo transport worker certification/know-how to pass the exam

화물운송자격증 취득방법Only those who have held a Class 1 or 2 ordinary driver’s license for more than 2 years can apply for a cargo transportation worker’s license!* If you have less than 2 years of driving experience (bus, taxi) for business purposes, you can take the test by submitting a certificate of at least 1 year of driving experience.  
Now, let’s go take the aptitude test.
 1. Go to the Korea Transportation Safety Authority website. 
The world’s best professional organization leading people-centered traffic safety – TS Korea Transportation Safety Authority
The world’s leading professional organization leading people-centered traffic safety, automobile inspection, automobile safety research, business automobile management, and transportation safety research and information provision information system construction and operation, produced in compliance with technical guidelines.
 2. Click ‘Advanced Driving Aptitude Test’. (Available at testing centers across the country, and application only available online)

 3. Make a reservation.  (Examination fee: 25,000 won) Inspection type: New inspection, One-stop application: No (optional), Industry: Check as individual cargo.

To select the type of test, check ‘New test’ because you need to take a new test. If you apply for one-stop and pass the aptitude test in the morning, you can take the written test that afternoon. → If you apply for one-stop but do not pass the aptitude test in the morning, you will take the written test in the afternoon. The cost will be refunded*For reference, my friend checked No to take the aptitude test and written test separately. For the industry, you can select the desired industry and select ‘Individual Cargo’. 
4. Check ‘Consent to collection and use of personal information’. 

After checking everyone agrees,  
5. ‘Real name authentication’ is provided. 

6. Select ‘inspection site’. 

When you click on Select a testing site, each region will appear.  Please select your desired region and then select a testing site.  

According to your desired date and time
Please click ‘Apply’. 7. Enter your personal information, make payment, and click the registration button. 

 It’s complete! If you successfully passed the aptitude test, please apply for the written test.^^
 Only those who pass the driving aptitude test may submit a written application as shown below. 
The examination fee is 11,000 won.  1. In the TS National Qualification Examination, click Freight Transportation Worker and click Submit Application. (Reservation application – Application application (qualification test)

2. Please select only the industry. 
The rest is set automatically.  
Please check the precautions and click next. 

 3. In the application confirmation information 
Please check ‘Yes’ to all and click Next.
* Please read the contents carefully.

4. Verify your real name, 

Please select the lecture hall of your choice.

Click Apply on the desired date and time.

5. When filling out the application, please upload your personal information and a photo as a jpg file to be included on your ID card. Those who do not attach a photo can submit it directly after passing the test at the test site. 
 It is said that it was originally offline. It is said that online lectures have been held since the coronavirus outbreak. Educational videos are separated for each subject, and you must watch a total of 8 hours of lectures to apply for a certificate.
The training fee for successful applicants is 11,500 won. 1. Click on the training guide for those who passed the TS National Qualification Test, and then click ‘Go directly to apply for training for those who passed the cargo transportation service.’

Click Learn to view the entire lecture. 

A certificate can be issued if you complete 100% of the online lectures. 
Well, thank you for watching all the lectures. 

Well, thank you for watching all the lectures. Then, let’s go ahead and apply for certificate issuance! 
 The certification fee is 10,000 won.
If you need to receive it by registered mail, a shipping fee will apply. If you wish to receive it in person, you can pick it up at each local testing center. 

 Congratulations to all of you who obtained your license:) This was the easy way to get your cargo transportation license.
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화물운송자격증 취득방법
