휴대폰 위치추적 cell phone location tracking

hello. This is IT knowledge monster coma blog. In this article, we have prepared a summary of how to track a cell phone location. Even the latest smartphones cost over 1 million won, so many people say it’s better to lose your wallet than lose your cell phone. Since it has become a valuable item, it is recommended that you know all the ways to track the location of a cell phone in order to prepare for the risk of loss.


휴대폰 위치추적

Of course, we can’t use private site features where personal information is not agreed, but there are so many places where we log in to our account. Whether it’s Google, Samsung, iPhone, carriers, etc. Of course, these places guide you on how to track your location, and you can also use a variety of additional features. 휴대폰 위치추적


When I used it myself, it displayed a map with GPS, and the margin of error was about 3M, which was very useful. In addition, ringing, vibrating, and displaying notifications, etc. Everyone seemed able to help. We have compiled a list of cell phone location tracking methods, so you can use the one that suits your situation. 좋은뉴스


Location Tracking Method


How to track cell phone location 100% possible
Summary of Location Tracking Methods


We’ll make it right. If you currently lose your smartphone, there are only 4 ways to track the location of your phone to deal with.


First, if you are logged in with your Google ID, you can use the Google location tracking service. This is possible only when GPS is turned on. If it is impossible to check with the Google ID and GPS part, please use other functions.


The second is for Samsung smartphones. Samsung provides a separate device finder function. At this time, you must be logged in with your Samsung ID. If you are using Samsung Pay, this will be much more convenient.


Thirdly, if your device is an iPhone, if it is in iCloud Lost Mode, you can check its location on the web or on another device.


The fourth is SKT, KT. It uses the mobile phone location tracking method provided by the LG U+ carrier. We will introduce you to all these methods.

1. How to track cell phone location with Google account


After logging in with the same account you are using on your phone on the PC, move to the list at the top right – account details menu. Please refer to the picture above.




On the left, find Security – Find Lost Device and click on it. If you do not see the smartphone you are currently using in the device list, it is highly likely that it is a sub account, so you need to change the account and keep checking until it appears on the list.


How to track Google cell phone location


Please select my mobile phone and wait for a moment. You can check the location on the map on the right. At this time, if the phrase Unable to determine the location appears, it means that the GPS is turned off, and Google cannot find it.



If you can see the map, you can zoom in with the mouse wheel to see it in detail. If you continue to refresh, you can also check the route you are moving, so please refer to it. In addition, there are functions that can cope with loss, so let’s take a quick look at it.




First, you can play the sound at maximum volume. Even in vibrate or silent mode, the ringtone is played at maximum volume for 5 minutes without any problems. If you search for the lost location but can’t find it, turn up the sound to find it easily. In addition, by locking the device, you can prevent the finder from looking at your phone, as well as display a specific message on the lock screen. (If you have read this article, please leave it at the nearest police station). Lastly, there is device initialization. You have tried all the cell phone location tracking methods, but you can delete all data on your smartphone when it is impossible to search and there is no possibility to find it because it cannot catch GPS.

2. How to track location of Samsung account phone
How to track Samsung phone location


For devices manufactured by Samsung, Samsung provides functions to search the device location and cope with loss through the Find My Mobile website. If the Google location tracking above was not possible, and you are using a Samsung device and have logged in to your account, please try it right away. For reference, Samsung account is said to be available if you have used Samsung Pay at least once. The site address is https://www.samsung.com/sec/apps/find-my-mobile/.




There are special features in how to track a Samsung cell phone location. That means you can see the approximate location and path of your lost device. Even if the phone is turned off, you can see the location before it was turned off with the last location transfer function. In addition, you can get support for locking the device, ringing, and data backup. You can also set the owner contact and message like the picture above.

3. How to track location using telecommunications company
How to track SKT cell phone location


In SKT, there is a free service called ‘Find Friends’ that allows you to search for locations using PCs and other people’s mobile phones. To do this, log in first and go to > Find Friends > Settings/Change. After that, go to the Lost phone location check tab > Search information > Enter and confirm.



4. How to track iPhone model cell phone location
How to track iPhone cell phone location


For iPhone, you must have Find My iPhone enabled in Settings. It is better to set it in advance before losing it. Apple Watch, AirPods and Macs are also available. Please note that you can use it from the Use Find My menu after logging in to iCloud Apple site, or you can search on your device by pressing the Find My button on other Apple products.


We have compiled a summary of all the cell phone location tracking methods that can be dealt with in case of loss. If you know the location, the possibility of getting it back is very high, but you have to report the loss to the police station and telecommunications company from the moment you realize the loss to prevent secondary damage, so you must do so. Unlocked phones can be used for financial payments or crimes. I hope this helps, so I’ll end this article. thank you.