희망리턴 패키지 Corporate forum>Policy information>Support project notice

희망리턴 패키지☞ Small business owners who have closed or are scheduled to close their business

☞ Provide step-by-step re-employment training and split support for job change incentive allowance (up to KRW 1 million) according to job search activities of closed small business owners.
Please be advised that content such as slander, profanity, obscene expressions, commercial advertisements, repeated posting of the same content, or leakage of personal information of a specific person may be deleted without notifying the publisher.
For inquiries regarding policy information within the corporate forum, please contact the relevant ministry.
07074 Small and Medium Venture Business Research Institute, 77 Sindaebang 1ga-gil, Dongjak-gu, Seoul
System inquiry kosi@bizinfo.go.kr / Tel. 02-867-9765
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희망리턴 패키지
