간헐적 단식 16:8 방법 Intermittent fasting 16:8 methods and essential conditions

As the number of obese patients increases compared to the past, various diet methods begin to emerge

Among them, let’s learn more about intermittent fasting, which is known to be the most effective.

간헐적 단식 16:8 방법


When you think of intermittent fasting, you usually starve and eat as much as possible

Intermittent fasting without rules like this can damage your body



There is a fasting method created to avoid such irregular fasting.
It’s an intermittent fasting method that’s tailored to your body system, 16:8 intermittent fasting

16 hours a day is a way to end a day’s meal for 8 hours while maintaining an empty stomach.

Source: JTBC refrigerator, please

간헐적 단식 16:8 방법

In the case of fasting, which takes 8 hours after an empty stomach for 16 hours, it is the least difficult and effective, so it is usually the first way for dieters to start.


However, there are basic conditions that must be followed even in the 16:8 fast, which is known to be the safest.

These conditions are based on KBS’s secret of life and death



Let’s take a closer look at what’s below

1. Intermittent fasting type
2. intermittent fasting efficacy
3. Intermittent fasting side effects
4. the basic requirements of fasting





Intermittent fasting type

16 hours on an empty stomach, 8 hours on an empty stomach
The best known method is to fast from 6 p.m. and then eat from lunch the next day

You can eat two meals a day, usually at noon, and then at 6 p.m., and then keep an empty stomach and keep an empty stomach until 12 p.m. the next day.


I’m also a fasting method, and the advantage is that I don’t have to rush to breakfast.

And it is known to be good for modern people in busy daily life because it allows them to maintain weight without exercising vigorously.

This is the recommended method if you have a lot of morning sleep or if you can cross the morning.



20 hours on an empty stomach, 4 hours on an empty stomach
It’s a method that you try when you want to lose weight in a hurry or need a diet such as a body profile, and most of them are known as one meal a day.

If you start this way from scratch, the imbalance of nutrients can strain your body.

Experts also do not recommend that if you fill a meal with stimulating and unhealthy foods rather than balanced nutrient foods, your body’s fat will not burn first, but your muscles (protein) can escape first.

It’s also a way that beginners shouldn’t do it in a way that people who have been fasting for a long time can do.

However, people who have been doing this for a long time eat one meal a day very carefully, and it is done by eating one meal at lunch or dinner.

It’s not an easy way because it takes a lot of care to prepare a diet that combines carbohydrates, fat, and protein, and you need a basic understanding of how much nutrients are in your diet.



16 hours on an empty stomach, 8 hours on an empty stomach (after repeating 6 times a week, 24 hours on an empty stomach)
It is said that this is a method that many people who want to shape their body by developing muscles and developing their definition.

Six times a week, Monday to Saturday, is a protein-oriented diet with exercise for six days, and the last day is to maintain an empty stomach for 24 hours.


If you proceed in this way, even if you eat more than the amount of protein that humans need to eat per day (0.8g of protein per kilogram) for 6 days a week, you don’t accumulate fat in your body because you are hungry 24 hours a day, and you can eat as much food as you want for 6 days a week.


Even in my case, if I eat something in the evening or overeat a lot for 6 days a week, I tend to keep an empty stomach for about 24 hours a day.


You may be worried that keeping an empty stomach for 24 hours may make you sick or lose protein, but there is no problem if you take balanced nutrients after an empty stomach for 24 hours, so it is a good fasting method if you pay attention to your understanding of fasting and intake of nutrients to some extent.



Hunger 24 hours a day, 3 days a week (every other day fast)
It is said that this is a very difficult fasting method that is not suitable for modern people who work every day and live in society, or a method that is conducted only for diets such as fasting centers.

I eat two meals a day, the next day I stay on an empty stomach for 24 hours, and the next day I eat two meals and then I stay on an empty stomach for 24 hours

I keep three days a week on an empty stomach 24 hours a day.


This fasting method is also not recommended because it should be completed in as little as a week, or as long as two or three weeks, and if it continues, it can cause health problems.




intermittent fasting efficacy


Your body and face become younger.
In the past, ancestors always maintained their hunger.

In modern times, various new diseases have emerged as they always began to remain full without any time to feel hungry.


First of all, the most famous thing about fasting’s efficacy is that you become young.

There is a saying that if you always remain full, aging cells will age faster as they are promoted.

In fact, for monkeys, Group A reduced the amount of food, and Group B always gave them plenty of food,

Studies have shown that monkeys in Group A look much healthier and younger than Group B.


This experiment was, of course, challenged by the fact that the meals given to the monkey groups themselves were unbalanced feed.


So we’re going to experiment again.

One interesting thing is that later re-tested while providing a balanced diet to Group A and Group B, although there was no significant difference in appearance, the group who ate it came out better than the group who ate it well.