경동보일러 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kyungdong Boiler Customer Center and Phone Number

Among household appliances, it is the only one that operates a customer center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It is none other than a boiler company. As far as I know, Kyungdong Navien boilers and Kiturami boilers are available for customer service consultation and after-sales service troubleshooting 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Boilers should be inspected in advance before winter arrives, but since breakdowns always occur without warning, receiving after-sales service is as important as inspection. Today, we have summarized the service center visit to the service center and service costs for households using Kyungdong boilers. If you need to request A/S and make an inquiry right now, it would be a good idea to refer to the page below.

경동보일러 고객센터

경동보일러 고객센터

Kyungdong Navien provides counseling support in a variety of ways. You can choose a convenient consultation method from the three methods below. Video consultation is advantageous when you want to determine the exact cause of the failure and speedy treatment. However, there is the inconvenience of having to install the Gyeongdong Navien consultation app.

Go to expert 1:1 consultation

Go to video-assisted app consultation

Go to real-time chat consultation

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• Kyungdong Navien call center phone number • Customer center extension number and consultation hours • After-sales service and service costs • List of official service centers by region

Kyungdong Navien Call Center phone number
There are 13 directly managed, certified service centers across the country. The agency has about 50 branches, and in areas where direct service center staff are difficult to assign, the agency is in charge of after-sales service. There is no difference in service quality or rates, so you only need to know it as a reference. The call center phone number is 1588 -1144 regardless of region. When you apply for AS, you will be assigned to the center closest to the applicant’s address, and once the technician in charge is selected, you will be contacted before your visit.

Customer center extension number and consultation hours
As mentioned briefly at the beginning of the text, the Gyeongdong Navien Service Center is available for consultation and after-sales service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. First, when you call the main number, a voice guidance message appears first. Before connecting to a counselor, you must select the product for which you want support. Select number 1 for boilers and water heaters, number 2 for hot water mats, and number 3 for other Kyungdong products.

After-sales service and service costs


If the product breaks down within the warranty period, you can receive free travel and repairs. In case of user negligence rather than simple inspection or breakdown, travel expenses, repair costs, and parts costs are incurred.

The basic business trip cost is 18,000 won on weekdays. After 9 p.m. and on Saturday afternoons, Sundays and public holidays, it is 22,000 won. In rural areas, there are times when repairs are urgent and a travel fee exceeding the standard fee is requested. Be sure to contact the customer service center. Cases of demanding unconscionable service fees have continued since ancient times. When service costs are excessive, it is wise to obtain a receipt and contact customer service directly. Arguing with the driver in charge doesn’t help much.

List of official service centers by region
Gyeongdong Navien has 13 officially managed branches across the country. Please refer to the list below. You can also find about 50 service stores, and location search and phone number inquiries can be found on the page below.
Source: https://aimgus55-six.koreaaa.com/entry/1588-1144-Gyeongdong Navien-Boiler-Service Center-AS Failure Report [55SIX Treasure Warehouse: Tistory]