교보문고 재고확인(PC,모바일) Kyobo Bookstore inventory check (PC, mobile)

Do you like bookstores? I’m trying to read books consistently, but it doesn’t seem to be as easy as I thought. Even though I don’t read a lot of books, I like browsing books at bookstores. In the past, I often went to a bookstore because there was a book I wanted to buy, but ended up going in vain because it was out of stock. Nowadays, you can check inventory on the Internet to see how many books are left at which branch, so you don’t have to go to waste.

교보문고 재고확인

교보문고 재고확인


Today, we will talk about how to check Kyobo Bookstore’s inventory at each branch and how to check the location of books in stores online. I think it would be best to avoid using the book search system that many people use these days, so please refer to the information below on how to check using your smartphone.




Kyobo Bookstore books, check online inventory


First, how to check inventory. Run the Kyobo Bookstore app or search for Kyobo Bookstore in a search engine to access it. There is no significant difference between using the app and general search.


Then, search for the name of the book you are looking for. I recently saw a promotion for a book called [Origin] on the Internet and it looked interesting, so I planned to go check it out. Please click on the book you searched for.

And if you go down, there is a ‘Store Inventory/Location’ section in the sales status. You can check by pressing this button.

The inventory quantity is displayed for each store. You can click a number to see where the book is located in the store. Since you can check it with your smartphone, you can find it in person even if it is in a store.



If I need a book urgently, I order it online, but if I just want to read, I make sure to check and buy it, and then I go to Kyobo Bookstore in Gwanghwamun. I bought it because it looked interesting, but it would be a waste if I didn’t read it haha.


The picture below was originally a place where you could read books, but now that people can’t gather together, books are gathered together to form a space. It seemed like there were mainly books by individuals or new authors.




I checked the location on the Internet and went to [Origin]. The content looked interesting, but for some reason I didn’t read it well, so I held off on purchasing it and just returned. I’ll have to try it again on my next visit.



After finishing the tour, I’d like to go straight to Kyobo Bookstore before leaving. You can find a book and buy it right away, but I use it when the price is cheaper online. I will also upload Barodream if I get a chance next time.



Up to this point, we have covered information on how to check Kyobo Bookstore’s inventory and find the location of books. I hope everyone finds it useful. Thank you for visiting!