교보생명 고객센터 및 전화번호 Kyobo Life Insurance Customer Center and Phone Number

Let’s learn about Kyobo Life Insurance’s customer center, phone number, and call center business hours. Kyobo Life Insurance is a domestic life insurance company and its headquarters is located in the Kyobo Life Insurance Building in Gwanghwamun.

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교보생명 고객센터

Kyobo Life Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Call Center Business Hours
Kyobo Life Insurance Customer Center
Kyobo Life Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Business Hours
Kyobo Life Insurance Call Center ARS Service
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Kyobo Life Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Call Center Business Hours

Kyobo Life Insurance Customer Center
Kyobo Life Insurance – Customer Center
Kyobo Life Insurance website – Customer center screen provides customer center chat consultation, consultation request, frequently asked questions (FAQ), information on required documents such as insurance claim, Kyobo Life branch inquiry screen, financial information, asset management service, and easy-to-understand insurance terminology menu. You can use it.


Kyobo Life Insurance Customer Center Phone Number Business Hours
Kyobo Life Insurance – Customer Center – Phone Number – Business Hours
Customer Center Phone Number: 1588-1001
Customer Center Business Hours: Weekdays 09:00~18:00
Kyobo Life Insurance-Call Center-Phone Number
Kyobo Life Insurance-Call Center-Phone Number
Kyobo Life Insurance’s call center main number is 1588-1001, for retirement pension subscription, etc., 1588-0770, for funds and trusts, 1599-7899, and for bancassurance, 1588-1099. Chat consultation through the customer center chatbot is available from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on weekdays.

Start Kyobo Life Insurance chatbot consultation


Kyobo Life Insurance Call Center ARS Service
Kyobo Life Insurance-ARS
When connecting to the call center ARS, number 1 is for insurance contract loan, number 2 is for insurance claim, number 3 is for insurance premium payment, number 4 is for reporting such as payment certificate, password, security card, payment suspension, etc. Press number 0 to speak with a Kyobo Life Insurance call center counselor. do.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
You can resolve any questions you have by checking the frequently asked questions before calling customer service.

Kyobo Life Insurance website


1. At what age can I receive retirement pension?

In the case of a retirement pension subscriber, if he or she retires from the company he or she is working for before the age of 55, the pension is transferred to an individual retirement pension (IRP). Depending on the subscriber’s choice, the pension can be paid as a pension or a lump sum after the age of 55, and before the age of 55. Even after transferring to IRP, it is possible to cancel the retirement pension account.


2. Can I pay my monthly insurance premium with a credit card?


Kyobo Life Insurance is currently unable to pay insurance premiums by card due to the cancellation of membership with the credit card company, but you can use automatic transfer.


3. How do I cancel my insurance?


You can cancel insurance by applying through the website or call center, or by visiting the customer plaza in person.


4. Is it possible to trade funds over the Internet?


You can trade funds through the Kyobo Life Insurance mobile app and website.