교육급여바우처 신청방법Apply for Voucher
Instructions for use
Shinhan Card restricts usage based on industry information registered by affiliated stores, and Shinhan Card does not arbitrarily apply restrictions.
Period of use
Voucher allocation date – August 31, 2024
The subsidy expires at the end of the period of use.
How to use
Unusable card
Corporate card, family card, Shinhan BC card, e-Nara Help Card, Startup & Entrepreneurship Promotion Agency card, Social Enterprise Promotion Agency card, fuel price subsidy card (private taxi/personal cargo welfare), light car love card, Ministry of Foreign Affairs fuel tax exemption card, national defense welfare card, meritorious person / Welfare card for the disabled, National Happiness Card, Child Happiness Card, Child Love Card, Seongnam City Child Allowance Card, Naju City Local Love Card, Daedeok e-Room Card, Seoul City Subsidy Check Card, Hi-Pass Card, Finck Money Card, Paydays Card
Transactions excluded from voucher application
Other information