국가 자격증 종류 National Qualification Type

What types of qualifications are administered by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea?

There are many types of certifications in Korea. How many types of national certifications are there? It can be seen that the technical qualifications supervised by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea have a total of 470 qualifications, including technicians, industrial engineers, technicians, and craftsmen. There may be some people who count and check exactly, but there are as many as 470 types of technical licenses, but of course, since they include all of the top qualifications, engineers and technicians, there are many types, but there are also licenses without engineers and technicians.

국가 자격증 종류

Usually, you can apply for the national technical certification on the Q-net site. Occasionally, there are certifications that are carried out by other enforcement agencies, so you need to check them carefully. Usually, you can apply for Q-net, which is operated by the Human Resources Development Service of Korea, so you can apply for most of the tests at Q-net and take the test. Most of them are technical certifications, but they are composed of a written test and a practical test because it is thought that theory is also important to demonstrate skills. Many of you will know this by now. So what are the popular certifications? 국가 자격증 종류



Since Qnet site publishes statistics on test registrations every year, you can check the top 10 entries every year. That’s why you can immediately check the types of popular certifications. Currently, the statistics for 2020 are not clear, so you can check the 10 items with the highest number of applications by grade and year from 2015 to 2019. Items that can be checked can only be checked for the certified national technical qualification. 좋은뉴스 



Usually, those who think of national certifications will think a lot about technical certifications and prepare a lot of technician certifications. These are the top 10 events for technician certification. From 2015 to 2019, it can be seen that the qualifications in the field of beauty are located in the top 10 categories. You can see that it is a very popular field. Also, the most popular certification was the Korean food cook certification. Looking at the fact that forklift driver technicians are receiving many applications in 2019, it seems that there will be more construction machinery related items in the future. If you look at the top application categories, you will be able to know what jobs will be popular in the future and what national certifications you can prepare for in the future will help you a lot in the future. Looking at the number of applicants, there are some years that decrease compared to the previous year, but if you look at the fact that there are more than 60,000 applicants on average every year, the popularity of the national certification will increase as the days go by, and the number of people preparing for it will increase.


What is the status of license acquisition per person?

You can also see the status of certification acquisition per person. Most of the people who have obtained certifications usually have 1 or 2 of them. Most of them must have acquired level 1 or 2 computer literacy. You can see that there are people who have steadily acquired certifications for self-development. If you see that there are 27 people who have acquired more than 31 certifications, you can see that acquiring certifications is very helpful for self-development. These days, many people go to language institutes to improve their language skills rather than to acquire a license for employment. If you acquire a national technical qualification along with a language course, I think it will be a little more advantageous for getting a job. These days, the competition rate for employment is high, and we support young people who are having a really hard time getting a job.


Want a full-time job?

These days, there is no such thing as a lifetime job, so many people must be worried about how to move freely and live a life after retirement. If you have thoughts about how to live a lively life after retirement, I think learning technology is very helpful. If you learn a skill when you’re young, you can use it even when you’re old, so technology follows you for the rest of your life. These days, many people would prefer an environment where they can sit and work in an office rather than physically demanding and difficult work. Among the technologies, there are also technologies that can be utilized in the office, so why not come up with ways to utilize them?