국공립 어린이집 호봉 2023 Childcare Teacher Salary Table, Treatment Improvement Allowance, Assistant Teacher Salary, Minimum Wage Table by Working Hours

국공립 어린이집 호봉The first salary for a childcare teacher is 2,099,100 won. It would be nice if all childcare teachers received a salary like this, but this is the first salary standard for national and public daycare centers. Then, daycare centers that are not public or public receive the minimum hourly wage, not the first wage. The minimum hourly wage for this year and 2023 is 9,620 won, but if calculated as a monthly salary, it is 2,010,580 won. There is already a difference of 88,520 won. And although there are salary levels 10 and 20, it is difficult to recognize experience. Since labor costs are a large part of running a daycare center, it is not possible to recognize all salary ranges. People who have worked for 1 year, people who have worked for 5 years, people who have worked for 10 years. The reality that the salary is the same even though the experience is different is bitter.
○ Assistant teacher salary – KRW 1,042,000 ○ Special work allowance for rural childcare teachers – KRW 110,000 ○ Teacher working environment improvement costs – KRW 260,000 ○ Nuri course teacher treatment improvement costs – KRW 360,000 ○ Teacher and staff leader labor costs – KRW 75,000 ○ Substitute teacher labor costs (daily wage system) – 91,410 won○ Labor costs for substitute teachers (monthly salary system) – 2,342,000 won If the pre-tax monthly salary is 2 million won, no one will want to become a childcare teacher. Therefore, allowances are paid in the name of treatment improvement expenses, environmental improvement expenses, etc. Allowances are paid directly to teachers’ bank accounts on the 7th. In addition to those listed above, some local governments provide longevity allowances, infant allowances, etc. I think I usually receive an allowance of around 500,000 won.
Actually, I wasn’t interested in this minimum wage table at first. This is because the monthly salary of an assistant teacher who works 4 hours and 30 minutes is set exactly by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. So in 2023 it became 1,042,000 won. Anyway, since it was fixed, I wasn’t interested, but after learning that it was a ‘childcare assistant’, I saw the minimum wage list again. For your information, the work of a childcare assistant is the same as that of an assistant teacher, but experience is not recognized. A childcare assistant works 4 hours and receives 1,010,000 won before tax. The difference between me and the assistant teacher is 32,000 won. Who is really good???? Although 30 minutes of break time is specified, it is not possible to take a proper break at the daycare center. A break time where you can’t even rest. It was a minimum wage table that made me think a lot. Also, when looking for a job, there are cases where an assistant teacher who works 6 hours is hired. Please refer to the minimum wage table below for the salary. However, it is absolutely not recommended to be an assistant teacher for 6 hours. The work is like that of a homeroom teacher, and the salary is very different because there are no allowances. Never apply to be a 6-hour assistant teacher.

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