국민내일배움카드 신청방법 및 자격(feat.사용처) How to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card and qualifications (feat. Where to use it)

hello. Today, following the previous episode, I would like to learn a little more about how to apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card and its benefits. People’s Tomorrow Learning Card has a steady interest in that it can promote individual growth and development free of charge as the training required for employment, job change, and competency development is supported by the state.

Source: https://www.hrd.go.kr/
Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card issuance, learn how to apply

There are two ways to issue and apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card. There are two ways to apply by visiting the Employment Plus Center or online through the job training portal (HRD-Net).



국민내일배움카드 신청방법

국민내일배움카드 신청방법


<Apply by visiting the Employment Plus Center>

Apply for a card issuance by visiting the employment center with necessary documents such as your ID card, employment contract, and supporting documents.


<Online Application for Vocational Training Portal (HRD-Net)>

Access the HRD-Net homepage, log in, click [Issuance Application] on the first screen to apply, then watch the training video, search for and watch the training you want, and pay only the amount you have to pay out of the total training cost. A public certificate is required when logging in, and long-term training courses of 140 hours or more can be requested through consultation at the employment center. For online application for the job training portal (HRD-Net), you can check the details of how to apply for issuance as shown below in the HRD-Net application guide in the HRD-Net Customer Center.

1. After logging in to the HRD-Net homepage, go to ‘Apply for Issuance’ of the National Tomorrow Learning Card on the main screen.

Source: https://www.hrd.go.kr/

2. After logging in to the HRD-Net homepage, go to My Card > Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card > Request Issuance on the My Information page.

1) Issuance application information and consent


2) Fill out application form for issuance, check application qualifications and apply


Source: https://www.hrd.go.kr/


Find out about the Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card application process

After issuing the National Tomorrow Learning Card, if you apply for and attend the desired training course, the amount of government subsidy out of the training fee is deducted from the issued account (card). Training incentives are paid on a monthly basis when the requirements are met.

-​ Support System –

① (Ministry of Employment and HIRA) Announcement of training courses

② (Ministry of Employment and HIRA) Selection of training courses

③ (Employment Center HRD-Net) Issuance of National Tomorrow Learning Card

④ (Trainee) training

Find out about the benefits of the Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card

Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card is a support service that can be used for various learning-related expenses such as learning expenses, textbook expenses, and training expenses. Please refer to the benefits of the National Tomorrow Learning Card organized by the Ministry of Employment and Labor below.

Source: Ministry of Employment and Labor



These days, the concept of a lifetime job is disappearing. I think one of the systems supported by the state to prepare for a better future is the ‘Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card’. Actively use the Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card to receive benefits and support!