국민내일배움카드 신청방법Through the National Tomorrow Learning Card, anyone from 3rd year college students to middle-aged and elderly people who wish to re-employment can apply, and receive various vocational competency development training costs required for competency development ranging from 3 million won to a maximum of 5 million won for 5 years. there is. Please apply for the Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card through the shortcut below to save time and receive good benefits.
Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card Application
Anyone who wants various vocational competency development training can apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card, except for those who are excluded from the support provided below.
Qualifications for Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card
The Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card subsidy includes support for training expenses and payment of training incentives.
Basic support of KRW 3 million per person
Within the scope of support, 45~85% of the training cost is subsidized by the government
Additional support of 1 to 2 million won for some recipients (when all 3 million won account is exhausted)
During the training period, up to KRW 116,000 per month in training incentives will be provided if the unit period attendance rate is 80% or higher and one of the following conditions is met.
The unemployed who attend training courses for more than 140 hours, the insured who work less than 15 hours a week, and the recipients of work incentives, etc.
People participating in the National Employment Support System Type I and those belonging to the low-income class (including specific classes) among the National Employment Support System Type II
Self-employed insured person (up to KRW 360,000 per month)
You can apply for the National Tomorrow Learning Card at any time, visit the nearest job center in person, or apply online through the job training portal (HRD-Net).
※ Documents to be submitted
※ Inquiries: Ministry of Employment and Labor Call Center 1350 without area code
Go to the vocational training portal (HRD-Net) How to use the Kookmin Tomorrow Learning Card
① Log in to the HRD-Net homepage and register as a member
Join HRD-Net
② Access through the ‘Apply for Issuance’ button on the main screen of the HRD-Net homepage
Application for issuance of HRD-Net
② Find the course that suits you and request to take the course: Click the desired training course button through the training course menu on the HRD-Net main screen to access
Find the course that suits you and register for classes on the main screen of HRD-Net
▼▼▼ Kookmin Tomorrow Card user manual download ▼▼▼
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