국민연금증카드 발급 Eligibility for issuance of national pension card

Today, we will inform you of the issuance of the National Pension Card. It seems that many people who receive the national pension do not know about this card.

National Pension Card 국민연금증카드 발급

▶ A national pension card is a card-type certificate that serves as an identification card to prove that you are a recipient of the national pension and also has a payment function for a check or credit card.

In Korea, there are many welfare benefits when you turn 65, and if you are receiving the national pension, you will get more benefits such as discounts on travel products and discounts on railway fares. 이베이스매뉴얼

국민연금증카드 발급

However, it is not possible to confirm that you are a recipient of the national pension with a general ID, but you can confirm with a national pension card.

▶ Depending on the card company, there are benefits such as free subway transportation, bus fare support, 10% discount in addition to KTX ticket discount, airport lounge free pass, and airport railroad free pass.

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Eligibility for issuance of national pension card

▶ All people who receive national pension, disability pension, divided pension, and survivor pension (over 100,000 won) can be issued.

Currently, there are Woori, Shinhan, Nonghyup, and Kookmin cards, but the benefits are diverse and the services provided by each card company are different, so it would be better to compare and choose the card that suits you.

Each card company has a credit card and a check card, and credit cards have various discounts and annual fees, but check cards do not have annual fees.

※ It is said that a certain percentage of the amount of use of the National Pension Card is accumulated and used as a social contribution fund.