국민연금 추납제도(추가납입) 및 방법(feat.총정리)National pension extra payment system (additional payment) and method (feat. Summary)

Today, it is a system that increases the pension receipt so that you can spend a comfortable old age. Let’s take a look at the national pension extra payment system. In the contents, we summarize the subject and method of applying for the extra payment system, the amount of payment, the period, etc.



1. What is the national pension extra payment system?

2. How to apply for the national pension extra payment system

3. National Pension Extra Payment System Payment Amount

1. What is the national pension extra payment system?
An image of an elderly couple walking together
old couple
The National Pension is a national security system implemented by the government to ensure income even in old age when income activities are difficult. When you join as a compulsory subscriber and meet the period of 10 years, you will receive an old-age pension in proportion to the subscription period and payment amount when you reach the receiving age.


국민연금 추납제도

국민연금 추납제도



A simple way to find out how much you will receive from the National Pension Scheme

A simple way to find out the amount of the national pension The present life has increased due to the improvement of living standards and the development of medical technology. The national pension is considered to be a great support for old age. So, how much pension can you receive?


For this reason, many people are looking for the national pension extra payment system to increase the amount of money received. However, it is a system that only those who are currently members of the national pension and who have had an exemption period or payment exception period can join, please refer to the targets below.


unearned spouse
ex) Full-time housewife who quit her job due to childbirth or childcare problems

National Basic Livelihood Security Recipient
ex) Those who have applied for an exception to payment due to job loss, leave of absence, or business suspension

missing for over a year
If you are eligible, you can apply for the national pension extra payment system in the following way!


2. How to apply for the national pension extra payment system

Go to National Pension: https://www.nps.or.kr/

Materials needed: computer and certificate


1) Access the National Pension Service

After accessing the National Pension Service homepage, click on Personal Complaints under Electronic Complaints.


2) Log in from personal complaint authentication

After clicking personal or business authentication, complete simple authentication / certificate / Naver / Kakao Pay authentication.

How to issue a Kakao certificate (reissue)

How to issue (reissue) a Kakao certificate Today, a private certificate that can be used in the process of logging in to public sites such as Hometax! Find out how to issue a Kakao certificate, and reissue a certificate when you lose your password


3) Personal service report/application

When you hover over the personal service cursor, a menu appears. Please click Report/Apply.


4) Apply for extra payment

Complete the payment request in Report/Request.


(Note) For the extra payment system, you can apply as a member of the National Pension Plan, so if you are a housewife who has never been enrolled in the National Pension Plan, you are encouraged to enroll at your own risk.



3. National pension extra payment system payment amount
income calculation image
Now, if so, you will not be able to find out the amount of the national pension extra payment system. The payment amount is calculated by multiplying the current national pension payment by the period to be paid in the future. (If you are an office worker, pay 9% of your income and 50% with your workplace. For voluntary subscribers, the lower limit is 90,000 won ~)


The payment amount is paid in one lump sum or in installments up to 12 times between 1 year and less than 5 years, and 24 times over 5 years. Please note that the payment period is limited to 119 months no matter how long it is.



So far, we have looked at the amount of the national pension extra payment system and how to apply. If there is a chance, I will also explain the pros and cons of the national pension extra payment system next time!