전역자 군번조회 방법(PC,모바일) How to check military service number for discharged person (PC, mobile)

Recently, as I was changing jobs, I needed to use my military number on my career certificate, so I looked up how to look it up. Maybe it’s been a long time since I was discharged, but I couldn’t remember my military number, so I ended up looking for it.



So what I’m telling you today is @Discharged Military Number Check @Discharge Date Confirmation!

Not only me, but other people probably don’t remember if it’s been a long time! It’s simple to look up the military number of a discharged person. Let’s take a look together.

Access the Military Manpower Administration website
To find out the military number of a discharged person, you must access the Military Manpower Administration website. You can access the Military Manpower Administration website directly through the address at the bottom of the article.

You can search for the Military Manpower Administration directly on the search site, or you can go directly to the link below! Link – https://www.mma.go.kr

Military Manpower Administration



Military Manpower Administration – My own website (civil complaints)

When you visit the Military Manpower Administration website, you will see a menu like this. Military Manpower Administration, Military Manpower Civil Service, public/open. We go to the Military Manpower Administration -> My Own Website (Civil Complaints), which is shown first above.

Click on mobilization/reserve forces
If you click on My Own Website (Civil Affairs), you will be taken to the Military Civil Affairs section.

Click to look up military transfer date/county number
When you enter the mobilization/reserve force, you will see several menus such as reserve force formation / troop mobilization training call / troop mobilization call / etc. We go here for reserve force formation – military discharge date / military number inquiry.

Obligor Selection
Most men in Korea are duty workers. This is because I dedicated myself to military service for two years. If you did it overseas, you will need to click on the overseas system and we will select the obligor.

Identity verification service
If you clicked on the obligor above, you must verify your identity. Please write down your name and resident registration number and use the authentication method you usually use. I was too lazy to use a public certificate, so I just used mobile phone authentication.

Next to it, there is also information about blockchain simple authentication. Interesting, but we’ll see about that next time. I will also provide a link to the outlook related to cryptocurrency, so please take a look when you have time!

2020/04/28 – [Good to know/Curious] – Bitcoin cryptocurrency price and outlook (after 2020)

Please select a telecommunication company, check all consents for identity verification, and then authenticate. There is no need to view the full text.

Authentication successful
If authentication is successful, you will see “Your identity has been successfully authenticated.” A notification window will appear, click the OK button to close it.

Military discharge date/county number inquiry
When you close the notification window, a page will appear where you can look up the military station date/county number. Click Yes to confirm.

Check military registration number
You can check your personal information (date of birth, name), discharge information (enlistment (commission) date), discharge date, and military number. If you have any questions about the results of the inquiry, please contact the Military Civil Affairs Counseling Center (1588-9090). Because it is a secret document, the word SECRET appears several times on the screen. It’s okay to ignore it.

Print military number inquiry
It wouldn’t be a bad idea to print out a copy and keep it on hand in case you need it.

We learned how to check these 5 things. Even if you don’t need a public certificate, things have gotten better these days, so you can easily verify using simple blockchain authentication or mobile phone authentication. I hope this helps. This concludes the article on the discharged soldier number inquiry! thank you