기저귀지원사업 조건 Welcome to Danwon Public Health Center.

기저귀지원사업 조건Public health center business information
Medical treatment and complaints
Information Sharing Center
open square
Healthy Life Support Center and Public Health Branch
Public health center business information
A doctor’s certificate (opinion) proving the mother’s illness, a family relationship certificate proving the mother’s death, or a document proving the child in a facility.
Information on using the diaper and formula support project for low-income families
Please be sure to read this user guide carefully before using it.
Within one week from the date of application, the public health center will send you a text message regarding the validity period of the voucher.
If you did not receive the text message, please contact the Maternal and Child Health Team at Danwon Public Health Center at ☎481-6473~6474.
Out-of-pocket health insurance premium (80% of standard median income), when the number of household members changes
Please immediately report the change to Danwon Public Health Center’s Maternal and Child Health Team at ☎481-6473~6474.

기저귀지원사업 조건
