넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제 Delete Netflix viewing history your Netflix viewin

넷플릭스 시청기록 삭제
Title: How to Easily Delete Netflix Viewing History

Are you tired of Netflix reminding you of shows and movies you’ve watched ages ago? Deleting your Netflix viewing history can be the answer! In this blog post, we will guide you through the simple steps to remove your viewing history and free up your recommendations. Say goodbye to those embarrassing choices you made in the past!

Subheading 1: Why Delete Your Netflix Viewing History?
Deleting your Netflix viewing history can provide several benefits, including:

– Enhancing Recommendations: By removing shows or movies that are no longer relevant to your interests, you allow Netflix to provide more accurate recommendations based on your updated preferences.
– Privacy and Security: Deleting your viewing history eliminates any trace of your past choices, ensuring your viewing habits remain private and secure.
– Starting Fresh: If you want to experience a fresh start with Netflix, removing your viewing history can help you revisit the joy of discovering thrilling new content.

Subheading 2: How to Delete Netflix Viewing History
Deleting your Netflix viewing history is a straightforward process that can be done in just a few simple steps:

1. Log into your Netflix account.
2. Go to your profile and click on the “Account” section.
3. Scroll down to the “My Profile” section and select “Viewing Activity.”
4. You will see a list of all the shows and movies you have watched. To delete a specific title, click on the “circle with a slash” button beside it.
5. Once you have selected the titles you wish to remove, click on “Hide” to delete them from your viewing history.
6. Voila! Your Netflix viewing history is now clean and fresh.

Subheading 3: Can You Delete an Entire Netflix Viewing History?
Unfortunately, Netflix does not provide an option to delete your entire viewing history at once. However, you can manually go through your history and remove individual shows or movies.

Subheading 4: How Long Does It Take Before Deleted History No Longer Influences Recommendations?
Once you delete a title from your Netflix viewing history, it will no longer influence your recommendations immediately. However, it may take some time for Netflix’s algorithms to update and provide you with new suggestions based on your new viewing habits.

Subheading 5: Can I See My Deleted Netflix Viewing History?
After deleting your Netflix viewing history, you will no longer be able to see the titles you have removed. However, Netflix continues to store your viewing data to enhance your personalized experience.

Subheading 6: How to Delete Viewing History on Other Devices?
Deleting your Netflix viewing history on other devices such as smartphones, tablets, or smart TVs follows a similar process as described earlier. Log into your Netflix account and access the viewing activity section to remove individual titles.

Deleting your Netflix viewing history is a simple way to refresh your profile and improve the accuracy of Netflix recommendations. By following the steps outlined above, you can rid yourself of any unwanted reminders from your past watching choices. Remember, your privacy and enjoyment are in your hands, so take control and delete away!


1. Will deleting my viewing history affect my Netflix account in any way?
Deleting your viewing history will only impact the accuracy of your recommendations. Your account, subscription, and preferences remain unaffected.

2. Can I delete viewing history on someone else’s profile?
No, you can only delete viewing history on your own profile. Each profile has its own viewing activity that users can manage individually.

3. Can Netflix restore my deleted viewing history?
Once you delete your viewing history, it cannot be restored. Make sure to consider this before removing any titles from your history.

4. Are there any limitations on how many titles I can delete?
No, you can remove as many titles as you want from your Netflix viewing history. The process allows for complete freedom to refine your recommendations.

5. Does deleting my viewing history remove titles from my watchlist?
No, deleting your viewing history does not affect your watchlist. You can still access and manage your saved shows and movies separately.

6. Will hiding a title remove it from my “Continue Watching” list?
Yes, hiding a title from your viewing history will also remove it from your “Continue Watching” list, giving you a clean slate for fresh content discovery.

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