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Apply for the Elderly Human Rights Cyber Education Operation Website
노인인권 사이버교육

There is human rights-related education that those who work at related welfare centers must take. You can log in to the senior citizens’ human rights cyber education operation website and complete the subject. I will introduce the process of how to apply.


노인인권 사이버교육



Access to the elderly human rights cyber education operation website



If you are doing various tasks at a welfare center, you must complete the human rights lecture because the elderly may belong. To do so, you need to access the Health and Welfare Human Resources Development Institute called “KOHI”.




Checklist when signing up

If you are not logged in, you cannot move to the related category in gray as shown in the screen above. When signing up, you can proceed by checking the part you belong to among the three categories: civil servant, public official, and civilian.


If you are an ordinary person working in a welfare-related institution or center, please check “Civilian”.




Register for courses in the Elderly Human Rights category

Those working in the field are usually doing various tasks under the big framework of welfare facilities for the elderly. We visit actual homes to provide bathing services, or visit people who have suffered abuse to provide counseling services.


Accurate training in awareness is necessary because the work involved is critical.




The course includes facilities for use of the first step in the human rights of the elderly, living facilities, day and night protection services, and visiting care, and you can select the category that applies to you. Let’s choose the 4th to show an example.




Receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of the course and survey

The name of the course and the dates available for taking the course are written, and after the training is over, there is a questionnaire. If you check it, a certificate of completion will be issued.




Utilize the customer center

If you have any questions, please refer to the above. Please check the consultation hours and lunch hours. Closed on weekends.


An aging society is gradually accelerating, and facilities such as related institutions and centers are also increasing. Human rights education is also being systematically prepared as it is not simply a place that sells goods and services, but a service targeting the elderly.


It was not created simply for the purpose of completing education, but as a tool to protect myself and the social safety net beyond the individual, I think we need to have a more systematic framework in the future.