단기간 다이어트 IU reveals how to lose weight in a short period of time! Lose 5kg

단기간 다이어트C.S.Lewis
IU diet effects
IU’s slim, slender body line is a goal that people who start a diet dream of at least once. Because she likes to eat and tends to get bloated, she goes on a quick diet for a short period of time before an important date. We introduce the diet method and effects that IU revealed in past broadcasts.

In order to lose weight in a short period of time, IU filled her day with an apple for breakfast, two sweet potatoes or two bananas for lunch, and a glass of water with protein powder in the evening. In general, people who are on a diet ate a similar amount per meal per day. It is said that he was able to lose 5 kg in 5 days by eating only the minimum amount of food and exercising. If you suddenly reduce your food intake, a yo-yo effect may occur and it is not good for your health, so it is best to be careful unless you urgently need to lose weight in a short period of time.

Breakfast – 1 apple
Lunch – 2 sweet potatoes or 2 bananas
Dinner – 1 protein shake

IU is prone to swelling, so she drinks plenty of water to remove swelling and prevent waste from accumulating. They say they try to drink as much water as possible five days before an important event. Also, when it is difficult to drink water, it is said that adding lemon or grapefruit reduces the resistance. Water activates the body’s metabolism, prevents obesity, and helps excrete waste products, so an adequate intake of about 2 liters per day is required, and it is highly effective in dieting and health management.

It is said that IU chose to climb stairs, stretch, and do push-ups as aerobic exercise along with diet. It is said that he invested about an hour in aerobic exercise in the evening.

stair climbing effect
Walking up steep paths, uphill roads, or stairs can stretch your lower body muscles and increase your metabolic rate. As your body gains muscle mass and boosts your metabolism, your diet may be more effective because you will be able to burn more calories than other people just by sitting in your desk chair.

stretching effect
Stretching has the effect of correcting posture by correcting imbalances in the body that can occur due to incorrect posture. When your body is in balance, it can help your body’s metabolism run smoothly and prevent fat from accumulating in specific areas. In addition, it can make your body line beautiful and helps relieve fatigue.

push-up effect
Push-ups work all the major muscles of the body, such as the biceps, core muscles, triceps, deltoids and lower body muscles, and support the body. Because several major muscles are used through exercise, it can strengthen your entire body and increase muscle mass, which can help with dieting.

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This is Tenbody’s brunch.

단기간 다이어트
