동물등록번호 조회방법 How to check animal registration number

Let’s learn about how to check the animal registration number and issue an animal registration certificate. If you want to raise a pet, you must register the pet. If you do not register the pet, you may be subject to a fine.동물등록번호 조회

동물등록번호 조회

If you register your pet, you can easily find the owner of the animal by checking the identification tag when the animal is lost. Let’s learn more about how to check the animal registration number and issue an animal registration certificate.

Table of Contents
Registering Pets
Registering Pets
The pet registration system has been mandatory since January 2014. In order to protect animals and prevent abandonment and loss, you must register your animal at the nearest city/county/district office.

The animal registration method is to install a wireless identification device, which can be divided into built-in and external types. The wireless identification device is a microchip the size of a grain of rice. It is bio-coated, so you can use it with confidence.

Registration Method
Visit a nearby animal registration hospital with your pet and choose to install either an built-in or external type. And if you fill out the owner’s personal information and pet information and apply for registration, it will usually be approved within a few days, and you can visit the nearest city/county/district office to receive the registration certificate.

Also, you can receive the registration certificate as a mobile animal registration certificate from the National Animal Protection Information System.

Find a nearby animal registration hospital
Find an animal registration hospital
You can check the animal registration hospital in the National Animal Protection Information System. You can find it right away by searching by city/city/county.

Find a nearby animal registration hospital

An animal registration agency is an agency designated to handle animal registration work for the city/city/county according to the Animal Protection Act.

Check animal registration number
Check animal registration number
You can check the animal registration number in the National Animal Protection Information System. If you log in, you can check the registration number, name, gender, registration date, etc. of the registered animal in the animal registration change report menu.

Check animal registration number
You can check the registered pet information only if the owner’s name and resident registration number match. If the information has changed, you can visit the nearest city/city/county/district office to change it.

Issuance of Animal Registration Card
Issuance of Animal Registration Card
You can receive an animal registration card that looks similar to a credit card in about a week after you first register your pet.

Animal registration cards contain information such as registration number, owner, address, contact information, animal name, breed, and gender. These days, many people receive mobile registration cards instead of physical cards.

You can receive mobile registration cards from the National Animal Protection Information System website. You can log in and issue them from the Animal Registration Change Report and Registration Card Print menu.

Go to Mobile Animal Registration Card Issuance

Animal Registration Change Report
Animal Registration Change Report
Report within 10 days
If you lose a registered animal, you must report it within 10 days.

Report within 30 days
If the owner changes
If the owner’s name, address, or phone number changes
If the registered animal dies
If a lost animal is found
If an external collar is lost or damaged and needs to be reissued
You can report changes to animal registration to your local city/county/district office, or change it on Government24 or the National Animal Protection Information System.

In conclusion
Today, we learned about registering, searching, and issuing animal registration numbers. Pets over 2 months old must be registered, so please register them during this opportunity.