디즈니플러스 한국영화 추천 Disney+ Movie Recommendations / Content Recommendations (Disney+ Recommendations)

디즈니플러스 한국영화 추천I started watching Disney Plus movies and dramas because I felt bad about paying the monthly subscription fee,

Oh! There were more movies and content worth watching than I thought.

So today, I’m going to introduce Disney Plus recommendations that I personally enjoyed

and that are full of my tastes.

I like Marvel, but I’ll exclude Marvel from today’s post.. (I wish GaoGal3 would come out soon..)
#DisneyPlus #DisneyPlusRecommendedMovies #DisneyPlusRecommendedWorks
#Gannibal #Spy #YukSaOh #Casino #DisneyPlusWorthWatching #DisneyPlusWorthWatching #Cruella

#Movie #100Dalmatians

– Recommendation: ★★★★☆
A movie based on the villain ‘Cruella’ from the 100Dalmatians puppies!

It’s a bit of a crime movie,
but it shows her past appearances to see why she became the incarnation of revenge.

Emma Stone’s acting was so good that I had fun watching it. It’s okay if you don’t know the content of 100 Dalmatians.

#Movie #Horror #Thriller #Fanatic

– Recommendation: ★★★☆☆
I didn’t know the genre so I couldn’t even imagine the content, but it was worth watching.

I have no idea why Disney+ classified it as a comedy ㅋㅋㅋ
Every time the chef claps, there’s a strange tension, and there’s a part where the mood suddenly changes, which is a little shocking ㅋㅋㅋ

#Drama #Horror #Police #Thriller #Mystery #Countryside #Family #Cannibalism

– Recommendation: ★★★★★
This is the content I really enjoyed watching on Disney+.

It’s a Japanese drama, but it’s no exaggeration to say that I’m writing because of this ㅠㅠ
I heard that the director was an assistant director under Director Bong Joon-ho, so I often see impressive directing.
If you like mystery thrillers, I definitely recommend it! It expresses the closed countryside + gloomy feeling of Japan very well

I hope Cannibal season 2 comes out soon.

#movie #horror #thriller #comedy? #tag #hideandseek

– Recommendation: ★★★☆☆
Looking at it like this, I think I really like thrillers..ㅋㅋㅋ
Ready or Not wasn’t bad for killing time ㅋㅋ

#movie #spy #espionage #comedy

– Recommendation: ★★★★★
It’s the comedy movie of my life ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
I think I’ve seen it about 5 times. Those who haven’t seen it, definitely watch it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
(The dialogue is full of sex jokes, so it’s really funny ㅋㅋㅋ)

#DisneyPlus #DisneyPlusRecommendedMovies #DisneyPlusRecommendedWorks
#Gannibal #Spy #YukSaOh #Casino #DisneyPlusWorksToWatch #DisneyPlusWorksToWatch #Cruella

#Movies #History #Thriller

– Recommendation: ★★★★☆
Ah, it’s a Korean movie, so I think it’ll be taken down from DisneyPlus at some point, but I also enjoyed The Owl.
It felt like I watched an immersive Korean movie for the first time in a long time.

#Movie #Horror #Thriller

– Recommendation: ★★★★☆
Since The Wailing is so famous, most of you have probably seen it,
but I included it because it’s the horror movie of my life ㅋㅋ

This is the first time in my life that I’ve been so excited by a movie, and I can’t even think about watching it again after watching it once..

#Drama #Crime #Action #Casino

– Recommendation: ★★★☆☆
Isn’t this really the end of the year’s Yongdusami?

All the actors acted well, so I was immersed in it, but the ending is too disappointing.
And all the things I thought were bait and tricks were nothing..! It’s a bit of a disappointing piece,
but it was worth watching just to see Choi Min-sik’s acting ㅠㅠ

#Movie #Comedy

– Recommendation: ★★★☆☆
I watched Yuk Sa-oh on TV with my family during the Lunar New Year,
and it was fun to kill time ㅋㅋ

A light comedy movie

#Movie #Economy #Subprime_Mortgage_Crisis

– Recommendation: ★★★★☆
It’s a movie about the subprime mortgage crisis in the US,
and although I don’t know much about the economy or real estate,
the directing was unique, so it wasn’t boring and was fun to watch.
I think the scenes where top stars come out here and there to explain things in an easy way also played a part? ㅋㅋ

#DisneyPlus #DisneyPlusRecommendedMovies #DisneyPlusRecommendedWorks
#Gannibal #Spy #YukSaOh #Casino #DisneyPlusWatchableWorks #DisneyPlusWatchableWorks #Cruella

I’ll end this very~ personal DisneyPlus recommended work posting like this.
If you have any more recommendations, please leave them in the comments so I can see them too..
Very small but clear

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디즈니플러스 한국영화 추천
