무료 폰트 사이트 모음 Nunnu

무료 폰트 사이트 모음I downloaded a free font and got a proof of content.
Noonnu is aware of makers of free fonts that businesses and individuals cannot use commercially, and fonts from these makers are not uploaded because legal problems may arise if they are uploaded.
I downloaded fonts from Noonnu, but sometimes I get inquiries about receiving proof of content, but in all cases, it was a case of downloading a font that was not uploaded to Noonnu.
Please note that legal problems may arise if you download random free fonts online, and if the download source of the font is unclear, please check once through a search whether the font uploaded to Noonnu is correct before using it.
Fonts that have been deleted from Noonnu can be found in Notice > Delete Font.
What kind of service is Nunnoo?
Noonnu is a service that collects and shows commercially available fonts.
Since not all free fonts available online are commercially available, Noonnu selects and uploads commercially available fonts.
All fonts in Noonnu can be used commercially, but there may be restrictions on their use.
You can briefly check the usable range through the ‘License Summary Table’ that appears when you click the font name in the font list, and we recommend that you click the ‘Go to Download Page’ button to check the manufacturer/producer’s site.

How do I check if I want to use it for a purpose that is not in the usage filter?
Currently, Noonnu provides a filter function only for applications with fonts that are not permitted to be used among representative applications.
For prints and videos, there are no fonts that are currently prohibited from being used in Noonnu, so you can use any font. For other uses, we recommend contacting the font manufacturer you want to use.
How can I download fonts?
If you click the name of the font on the Recommended Fonts or All Fonts screen, the license page for each font will appear. If you click the download button on the top right, you will be directed to a link to download the font or the font will be automatically downloaded.
I want to make sure that the usage of the font does not violate the license.
We recommend that you click the font name to check the details of the license, and for more details, contact the manufacturer through the font page that appears when you click download.
Please note that the copyright of each font belongs to the manufacturer, so it is difficult to give an accurate answer even if you contact Noonnu.
What is OFL?
OFL is an Open Font License, which allows free use, research, modification and redistribution.
Fonts with this license allow everything except selling the font itself for a fee. Therefore, it is allowed not only to simply use commercially, but also to create new fonts by modifying fonts.
For more details, please refer to the link below.
What is the difference between recommended fonts and all fonts?
Among all fonts, recommended fonts have a wide range of usable uses, and fonts that are good for various purposes are mainly listed. In addition, when a new font is registered, it is put on the recommended font list for a certain period of time so that users can check the new font more quickly.
Fonts in All Fonts can also be used commercially, so if you don’t see the font you want in the recommended fonts, check the All Fonts page.
How do I favourite?
After logging in, if you enter the All Fonts tab, a star button will appear at the top right of each font box.
If you click this star, it becomes a favorite, and you can collect and view the favorite fonts in MYNunnu > Favorites.
© 2023 Project Noonnu Corp.
The copyright of all fonts belongs to the creator/producer of each font.
For license inquiries regarding the use of fonts, please contact the producer/manufacturer.
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