반려동물 장례지도사 자격증 Essential information for pet funeral directors (certification acquisition, employment at educational institutions, annual salary) :: Story Rich

반려동물 장례지도사 자격증education
September 24, 2023
by. Story Rich
As the pet mutual aid market is growing and the number of people seeking pet funeral services is increasing, the popularity of pet funeral directors is also increasing.

Let’s learn more about the essential information for pet funeral director certification, such as certification acquisition, educational institutions, salary, employment, etc.

Pet funeral director


A pet funeral director is an expert who consults with the guardian about the pet’s funeral in accordance with legal procedures when the pet dies, supervises the entire funeral process, and handles all funeral-related matters.

We provide services as pet-related experts, including funeral procedure consultation, funeral procession, enshrinement and operation of a pet columbarium, and counseling to help overcome the grief of losing a pet and lead a normal life.

The pet funeral director certification is a privately registered certification, and there are many and diverse organizations that issue pet funeral director certification.
You must choose carefully among the many institutions to obtain a certification.

When obtaining a pet funeral director certification, it is better to obtain the certification from an organization directly related to pets as it is easier and better for future employment.

It is a distance lifelong education facility approved by the Office of Education, and you can take online education through videos to prepare for written exams. It also provides practical training focused on practical sites, so you can get used to it right away. I would like to find out about

If you would like to find out about the pet funeral director training course and exam schedule, please click below to check.

Go to Companion Animal Funeral Director Training Course and Exam Schedule

Anyone with Korean nationality can apply for the pet funeral director position hosted by the Korea Pet Care Association, without age, education, or experience restrictions.

However, the following people are not eligible to take the test.

The written exam for pet funeral directors hosted by the Korea Pet Care Association consists of three subjects: Introduction to Companion Animal Funeral Science, Public Health and Hygiene Management, and Companion Animal Funeral Administration. There are 20 questions per question for a total of 60 questions.

The passing standard for the written test is 40 points or more for each subject out of 100, and an average score of 60 points or more for all subjects is required to pass.

If you would like to learn more about online pet funeral instructor registration, please click below to find out more.

Learn about pet funeral instructor course registration

If you pass the written exam, you can take the practical exam to become a pet funeral director. After completing a certain amount of hours of practical training, you will be issued a passing certificate and certification.

The validity period for passing the written test is 1 year from the test date, so if you do not complete practical training before 1 year has passed, you must take the written test again.

If you would like to search for more registered educational institutions other than the Korea Pet Care Association in relation to obtaining a pet funeral director certification, please click below to search for privately registered educational institutions for pet funeral directors.

Search for privately registered training institutions for pet funeral directors

The annual salary of a pet funeral director ranges from 25 million won to less than 50 million won, and the salary may vary depending on where you work and your abilities and experience.

Pet funeral directors can get jobs at pet funeral companies, pet funeral homes, abandoned animal care centers, animal hospitals, etc. or start their own business.

Job postings for pet funeral directors say that preference is given to those with a driver’s license, but a driver’s license is required because you have to go directly to the dog’s owner’s home to pick it up.

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반려동물 장례지도사 자격증
