배달의민족 상품권 사용법 How to register and use Baemin gift certificates and check the gift box

배달의민족 상품권 사용법Did you know that Baedal Minjok gifts and gift certificates can be given to others?
I knew it, but I had never given it or received it, so I recently received it and was amazed. I’m currently on a diet, so I don’t use the app a lot.
I will try to deal with today’s topic in earnest, hoping that my writing will help you use it a little bit.

If you are not familiar with using Baedal Minjok (Baemin), please refer to my previous article on how to use Baedal Minjok.
It will help you a lot.
2021.07.31 – [IT and Internet Knowledge Base/Smartphone] – Baedal Minjok App Membership Registration and Ordering Basics
Baedal Minjok App Membership Registration and Ordering Basics
Baedal Minjok Ordering Method Basics Today, I prepared to inform you that my parents are inexperienced in using smartphones. They are envious of us ordering and eating food comfortably, so the national language of Baedal

2022.06.30 – [IT and Internet Knowledge Center/Smartphone] – Details on how to gift Baedal Minjok Baemin Gift Certificate
Details on how to gift Baedal Minjok Baemin gift certificates
How to gift Baedal Minjok Baemin Gift Certificates First of all, in order to present Baedal Minjok gift certificates, you must basically 1) have the Baedal Minjok app and 2) be registered as a member second. 3) three
1. First of all, when Baemin gift certificates are presented to the other party, they are usually shared through the KakaoTalk link as shown below. Because you know that the other person has received the gift only when you share it, I will explain based on when the KakaoTalk gift message arrives.

As shown below, when a gift is sent to the other party, the link will come like this.
If you touch the screen, a gift from 00 has arrived, as shown in the image on the right, a website page is created, and you can see that the gift registration screen below is activated. [Register a gift]

2. Second, if you click register as a gift, it says that you can only open it in the app.
Yes When you receive a notification asking whether you want to open the app, click OK or Yes as shown below. The final word comes out. If you click OK, the link will now go into the gift box of the app you registered / the app you signed up for.
If you register properly, you can see the contents of the message the other person gave you as a gift, and you can write a touching reply as indicated by the yellow arrow below.

3. Thirdly, you can freely write a touching reply.

When you enter the first screen of the app, you can see that there is a gift box menu at the bottom.
If it is difficult to check, you can access the gift box through the icon with four squares in the upper left corner.
If you enter the gift box below, you can see how much gift vouchers you received in the gift box menu as shown in the image on the right.

Baemin gift certificate instructions can only be used when ordering Baemin 1/Delivery/Packaging B Mart, Baemin Store, and can be used in conjunction with brand coupons. And, if you look under the gift you received, you can check the usage guide and where to use it as shown in the picture on the right. It also includes the expiration date and coupon code.

배달의민족 상품권 사용법
